June is the the good girl. Good grades, kindness, helpful and caring. Jake is the bad boy. He's pretty much the exact opposite of June. Bad, rude, disrespectful. June finds out about him and tries to change him and make him good like her, but instea...
June'sp.o.v Me and Lily sang to very first part of the song. Ohbaby, ohbaby, Iknowthatyou'vebeenhurting Lily sang. She was Bebe and I was Niki. It was my part. I'mNikiminaj. That'sBebe Let'sgo! I said Lily knew the song like the back of her hand. She began right after. Nobrokenheartsintheclub Notearsintheclub 'Causewegonnait popin' tonight Moredrinkitup 'Causewegonnagetit popin' tonight The music started and she sang like she did at my house. The music began. That was the warm up. Hoponontheplane Don'tneednoplans ShiningsohardlikeaGrammy Forgetalltheplayerswhattheydid Wegonnabebuyingthedrinks, Wegonnabebuyingthedrinks Lineupthebottles Lineupthemodelswegonnaforgeteverything Oh, ain'tnobodygoinghome Youknowwhatyoucamefor Todanceoffthepaindon'tfeelashamed Justfeelthechampagne Ifyou'refeelinglonelybetterletmehearyousing Nobrokenheartsintheclub Notearsintheclub 'Causewegonnagetit popin' tonight More drink pour it up 'Cause we gonna get it popin' tonight We only got one life So let's go hard 'til the day we die No broken hearts in the club 'Cause we gonna get it popin' tonight We gonna do it real biggie Sky is the limit in this town We taken over the city We to high to bring us down We gonna do what we do, We gonna do what we do Three in the morning Four in the morning Meet you for eggs in the morning Oh, ain't nobody going home, You know what you came for To dance off the pain don't feel ashamed Just feel the champagne If you're feeling lonely Better let me hear you sing No broken hearts in the club No tears in the club 'Cause we gonna get it popin' tonight No broken hearts in the club More drinks pour it up 'Cause we gonna get it popin' tonight We only got one life So let's go hard 'til the day we die No broken hearts in the club More drinks pour it up 'Cause we gonna get it popin' tonight She sang the words perfectly and now it was my part. I am pretty good at it Ay yo Bebe anybody hatin' their Pepe Sip a little mix, pop pills 'til I'm sleepy I'm the one that bust out open a Waikiki Pull up in the ghost I'm creepy They don't want beef we proved it Niggas better keep it on wax like a Q-tip Keep his dick wetter then cruise ship Flower than a tulip flyer then a new bitch I do's it, yup I'm up two zip Girls are my son's, I'm giving them mild tease They be sweating in me headbands and gym tees Like bad knees on Dirk Nowitzki's It is going down like M. Lewinsky's Wristfreezeyupmywristonpinkski's Ringfingerbeshittingonmy pinky's Makehimmadawwman Gotthemhating bad BloodclotmoneygreenlikeJamaicanflangs We finished the song and people clapped, cheered, whistled and applauded us. What can we say? We made a great team. And out of nowhere I saw Jace as I walked passed all the people. No mercy.