Yoongi (Angst)

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Its been 2 years you and Yoongi were apart. You were missing him like crazy but pretending like you already move on. You still love Yoongi very much. Heck, even 2 years apart did'nt make your love changed.
You were in plane back to Korea after 2 years live in Los Angeles. Beside you there is Park Chanyeol, a person who help you the most. He's there when you broke down missing your ex-fiancee, Min Yoongi. Showing his loyalty as a bestfriend. Offer his shoulder and comfort you.
2 years ago you broke the enggagement. Giving back the ring. You just left Yoongi a note saying 'sorry' with your enggagement ring. He never know the real reason why you did that. And you never want to tell him about that. Only you and Chanyeol know. You only told Chanyeol because he's the person who you trust a most. He never betrayed you.
"I want to take a few things from my old house" you said to Chanyeol when the plane already safely landed.
"I'll go with you" Chanyeol said kindly.
But you shook your head. "No, I'm okay. I can go alone"
"Are you sure?" Chanyeol face start changing. You know he always worry about you even its the small matter. Because you're once broken. And still broken inside. You were dying each day without Min Yoongi, the person who own your love.
You smile assuringly to him and nodded. "I'm okay Chanyeol. Believe me"
Yoongi POV
He still in that old bedroom. The room that keep a lots of memories of (Y/N). He miss her. He try to search for her everywhere. But there is no trace of her. She's being dissapeared. Just like that.
He dont understand why she left her. He was left dumbfounded. Without explaination neither warning. They were happy before that. Nothing wrong with their relationship. This 2 years, his life being a big chaos. He need her. Like she need him.
Then he heard the door being unlocked. He stand up and walk toward the living room only to meet the only person he's longing all this time.
"(Y/N)...." he can't believe his eyes.
You unlocked the door. The house is still just like old time. You need to pack a new thing before you were back to Chanyeol villa.
Then you heard the voice of person that you thought you'll never meet again.
"(Y/N)..." Its Min Yoongi. Standing infront of your old bedroom and holding your picture. His eyes show too much pain. Your heart clenched. You blinked, holding the tears that start brimming in your eyes.
"Min Yoongi.." you said with stoic tone and show him stone face. He does'nt need to know your real feeling.
"(Y/N). I'm glad you're back" before Yoongi came close you stopped him with your words.
"No. I already have someone else. So please stop bothering me " Your chest feel like it will explode in a minute. Lie. You're lying. How can you love somebody else except Yoongi. Min Yoongi is your entire world.
"But why (Y/N)-ah? You never explain to me why were breaking up. All you do is left the note and our enggagement ring" He start asking you for the reason. You can't tell you the real reason. No.
You close your eyes before replied.
"Fine, I'm in love with someone else. I love Chanyeol. Do you get it?" you said harshly.
"SO YOU WITH HIM ALL THIS TIME? THAT FUCKER..." Yoongi start getting mad. You know you can't drag this conversation any longer. You're afraid that you'll broke into tears here.
"Stop it Min Yoongi. I said we are over. Chanyeol is my lover and don't ever you fucking lay your hand on him" you half screamed.
Then you turn your body and walk away. You need to get out from that house.
Min Yoongi stopped your movement with a backhug.
"(Y/N) please. I need you so much. Please come back to me" He's begging you.
Shedding the tears at your cheek you pushed away Yoongi's hand.
"Good bye, Min Yoongi" thats the last word you said to him before you go.
You burst in tears when you already in the cab. Your heart feel like being stabbed by a knife. You miss Yoongi. You really want to kiss him and hugged him back just right now. He did'nt deserve any pain. You want to comfort him and make the pain go away. But you can't. Its for his sake.
Let him go, (Y/N). The pain will subside along with time.
Yoongi POV
Its been a week since he meet (Y/N) at their old house. When she said that she love someone else he's mad. Try to hate her. But he can't. She is the love of his life. She hold the entire of his soul. He's producing music as usual. Trying to act that he's okay but he's not. Every night he feels like want to kill himself. Its better than suffer like this.
His band's member realize that. Yoongi is not the usual Min Yoongi 2 years ago. He changed since (Y/N) go.
He's going to home a little early today. When he's at his car. He saw Park Chanyeol who already standing beside his car. Park Chanyeol once is his bestfriend. But he betrayed him. Taking (Y/N) from him. Automatically his expression hardened.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. Harsh.
"We need to talk, Yoongi" Chanyeol said softly.
"There is nothing to talk about" he opened the door and try to get in but he stopped by Chanyeol's answer.
"Its about (Y/N). The real reason why she left you"
Yoongi smirked before said "Its because of you right? Then I dont need to know that"
"She said that?" Chanyeol looked shocked. He sighed before continue his sentence.
"She's lying to you." This time Chanyeol words make Yoongi confused. Why did she lied? What's her reason?
"What's her real reason?" hesitately he asked Chanyeol.
Then Chanyeol told him everything he knows.
Someone sit behind you at the bed. You opened your eyes and saw. Its Min Yoongi. Thinking that how much you miss him you chuckled.
"I'm even seeing things now" You still staring at Yoongi figure who also staring at you. You reached your hand and touch him. Then you realize. Its not your imagination. Your eyes widened and try to stand up. But you can't. You feel weak.
"You should rest.." Yoongi said and caressed your hair.
"How did you.." You tried to talk. But your throat feel very sore. Yoongi quickly give a glass of water to you.
"Don't talk. Now its your time to listen to me" Yoongi hold your hand before continued.
"I know your real reason (Y/N)-ah. Chanyeol told me. I know you were threatened. I know you dont eat and rest much when we were apart. I know you try to kill yourself today" You sucked your breath sharply. He knows everything. When you lift your eyes you saw Min Yoongi's eyes tearing.
"How could you left me because of that?" Yoongi asked with a low tone.
"I can lose you, Yoongi. That person already killed my sister. I can't lose you too" You burst in tears. Everything from 2 years ago. Your secret being spilled right now.
"That person already being caught" Yoongi tell you what he know from Chanyeol. You just stay quiet. Truthfully you were too scared 2 years ago. Your sister were killed in accident. Then a tons of letters came saying that Yoongi will died if you still with him. Yoongi came and hugged you. "Dont worry (Y/N)-ah. We will be okay" he whispered and kissed your forehead.
"Please dont leave me again, (Y/N). And please dont kill yourself. You're too precious to me" Yoongi hold you tightly. Like he always do.
"I won't. I'm dumb enough to leave you back then. I'm sorry" You hugged him and lay you head on his chest. Hearing his heartbeat make you feel peace. You feel that you belong there. You lover's embrace. Yoongi's embrace
"You're not dumb, (Y/N). You're just love me so much" Yoongi whispered. You smiled and nodded.
"Yes I do.. I always love you Min Yoongi"

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