That Time I Love You ~Jimin Angst-Fluff (Part 2)

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She wipe her tears. Its been 3 years since she broke up with Jimin. Sometimes when she’s alone, the memory being with him came and she ended up crying. Even she didn’t want to admit it she’s actually didn’t move on yet. Because she love him.
Her phone rings. She pick it up. Its her brother, Suho.
“Oh..oppa. Wae?”
“No, I’m not crying.”
“No. I feel lazy today..”
“Really? Where is it? Ah, Fiorella Hotel”
“I’m going. Pick me at 10 am”
She hangs up and moving towards bathroom. Just right now her brother invite her to his friend charity event. For cancer patient.
“Claire this is Kim Namjoon. The host of this event” Her brother introduced her to a tall man.
“I’m Suho sister, Claire. I heard this event is for cancer patients?”
“Dae..its for collecting fund for cancer patients who didn’t afford to do their treatment.”
Claire nod in understanding.
“Before the auction a cancer patient who was healed will give speech” Namjoon said.
After that he excuse himself when he saw more guest arrives.
“I was diagnosed to cancer 3 years ago. I feel like my world has been ended. I’ve no hope at all.”
“Then I realize, that even if I’m dying. I should live my life. I should’ve not wasted my time by being sad and mad”
“So I quit my job and  moved to America. I used money from my job as singer for my treatment. After two years and half suffering, I’m healed”
“Claire..” his voice trembled. His eyes wide open. He didn’t now Claire was here.
Claire standing there. Its true she run after him when he end the speech. She find him in back of stages. They have so many thing to be settled. But now when he’s here she was speechless. She didn’t know what to say first.
“You stupid jerk..” Claire said. Her eyes watering.
“Claire I can explain “ Jimin stepped forward but she back away. Far from him.
“I heard it all. Pabo.” That’s all she said before storming away.
She crying again. Because of him. He didn’t want that. He need to explain it all to Claire. About 3 years ago. About their relationship.
And here he are. In front of Claire’s house. He find the key under the flower pot beside the door. Just like 3 years ago the key is still there.
The house is dark. There is no light on. He know Claire. She’s prefer to be in the dark when she depressed or sad.
Then he saw her. Curling up at the couch with blanket.
“What do you want?” her voice hoarse.
“Have you eaten dinner ?” he asked.
“Let’s eat first. I’ll cook” he started undoing his jacket.
“Just say what do you want Jimin” her tone was a little harsh.
“I’ll explain everything. First we eat”
“Why do you think I need explanation, Park Jimin?”
He sighed. This woman is damn stubborn. “Let me cook first, Claire. I know you haven’t been eat properly. You look so thin”
“I asked you Jimin. Why did you keep insisting me to eat? Can’t you understand the question? Why did you come here and pretend to care about me?” Finally Claire explode.
“I don’t pretend, you know. I really care about you” he said.
“Then why?” she asking about why he did change 3 years ago. He know.
“You heard it all, Claire. I lost my way. I feel mad. I blamed everyone. And before I realize it. I lost you”
Then he heard her sobbing.
“I’m really hurting Jimin. I keep asking what’s my fault. You changed. Just like that ”
He hugged her and she let it.
“Can I have my second chance, Claire?” he asked staring into Claire’s eyes.
“I..i..” Claire stuttered.
He feel rejected. He quickly want to back away from Claire but suddenly she hold his wrist.
“I can’t handle more heartbreak Jimin. One is enough. Can I give you a second chance and trust that you’ll not break it?”
Jimin gloomy face turn into smiles.
“You can trust me, Claire. I promise”
Claire smiled back at him. Feeling happy and content. Finally the man she love come back.

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