Namjoon -Fluff (Part 1)

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Kim Namjoon
He saw her again. Today she wearing baby blue crop top and white skinny jeans. Her hand lace with other tiny hand like the other day. He guess she’s her daughter. He watched her move intently.
He called for Mina, the waitress at the coffee shop that he was in. Mina is his niece. Daughter of his older sister. This coffee shop belongs to her but she prefers to be waitress and throws all the managing work to her brother, Min Hyuk.
“What do you want, uncle?”
“Who’s that woman?” he pointed to the woman. He was curious about her. He want to learn more about that mysterious young woman.
“Oh, she’s regular here. Min Hyuk oppa’s friend. A young widow. The kid is her daughter” Mina said.
“Widow? She looks young”
“She married at young age. Her husband died in accident. The kid only one year when her father died.” Mina stare at the woman sympathetically.
Mina want to go back to her post but he stopped her.
“Wait, what’s her name?”
“Lee Na Young” Mina informed him and smile. He know that smile. A smile of anticipation.
*time skipped *
Lee Na Young
“Lee Eun Ha..” she waved frantically at her daughter. Her little bundle of joy. Today was a stressful day but after seeing her daughter’s smile she didn’t feel tired anymore.
“Mommy..” Eun Ha running happily with her small leg towards her mother.
“Don’t run. You’ll get hurt” she said. Worried if her daughter fall and getting hurt. She hate to see that. Eun Ha is only 6 years old. Her daughter with her late husband, Lee Tae Young.
“Did you have fun?” she walked towards her car and bundled Eun Ha with seatbeat.
“Yes, school is fun” Eun Ha answered with a smile. Being the smart girl, Eun Ha is a child who easy to deal with. She rarely throwing tantrum. But her over friendly demeanor made her worried a little.
“That’s good honey. Now, what do you want to eat?”
“Can I have ice cream?” Eun Ha request.
“Emm..because you’re good girl today I’ll give you that”
“Yay..” Eun Ha cheering. Excited about getting her favourite flavoured ice cream, chocolate.
*time skipped*
Kim Namjoon
Today is Saturday. He was there again, Mina's coffee shop. He was relaxing while staring the walking people through the glass window.
Then the person he’s waiting for came in. Lee Na Young. Today she look like she’s in rush. He saw she’s talking to Min Hyu and storm out after saying kissing her daughter on forehead.
He stare at the woman until she disappeared from his sight.
“Ahjussi..” a small voice snapped him from looking outside. He turned his head to saw Na Young's daughter in front of him. Smiling cutely.
“Ah, samchun. Mianhae, but I think you have to look over her for a little time. Today is Saturday. So it will be a little busy with customers.” Mina appeared with a tray with 2 cups of drink. His Americano and another hot chocolate. He assumed its for the kid.
He just nodded confusedly. Mina saw his face and explained.
“Eun Ha's eomma has emergency at work and there’s no one to look after her”
“Ah..” he nodded again but now understanding the situation.
“Eun Ha, this is Namjoon Ahjussi. He will take care of you today instead of me. Is that okay?” Mina asked.
“Its okay. Gumawo unnie for the hot chocolate ” Eun Ha replied kindly.
“Omo, what a lovely girl. Then, unnie go to work first okay..”
*time skipped*
“Ahjussi, do you know my mommy?”
“I know her but I don’t think she  know me. I just watched her from afar since she always come here everyday” he answered honestly.
He was getting attached quickly to her. She’s a smart kid. She think more maturely thank other 6 years old kid. Maybe it because of the situation of her mother.
“She’s pretty isn’t?” Eun Ha asked suddenly.
“Yes. Why did Eun Ha ask?”
“Actually, I never remember seeing my father’s face because he died when I’m still young. I never care about not having father. But I’m sad whenever I look at mommy” she said. Her cute face become a little gloomy.
“Why is that?” her word perked his interested.
“I feel like she was lonely. All mommy’s friend had boyfriend or husband. But mommy doesn’t have one”
*time skipped *
Lee Na Young
She walked in to the coffee shop finding her daughter talking to a tall good looking man.
She knocked the office door.
“Oh, Young-ah. You’re here.”
“Yes. Thank you for today Min Hyuk-ah. I don’t know what to do without you”
“No problem. You’re my friend after all”
“Ah, by the way who is the tall man outside? Talking to Eun Ha”
“Tall man? Ah..that’s my uncle. Today was a busy day so Mina asked him to take care of Eun Ha”
Na Young frowned. “Is that okay? I’m sorry for burdening you all”
“Its okay Young-ah. He didn’t have work since its weekend. I saw he’s became pretty close with Eun Ha.”
She nodded and thanking him again.
She walked towards the corner of the shop where her daughter and Min Hyuk's uncle seated.
“Mommy..” Eun Ha called when she saw her. She smiles at her daughter whose already coming close.
“Hello, I’m Kim Namjoon”
“Oh, hello. My name is Lee Na Young. You’re Min Hyuk's uncle right? Thank you for taking care of my daughter today” she smile and bowed slightly.
The man smiled back. His dimples  made her a little stunned. His smile is so beautiful.
*time skipped*
She was getting ready to sleep when Eun Ha come and saying she want to sleep with her.
She just allowed her. Eun Ha climb up the bed and settled beside her. After make sure that her daughter was comfortable she turn the lights off leaving only one desk lamp open.
“Mommy why don’t you have boyfriend like everyone?” Eun Ha asked while moving her small arm to hug her.
“Because I have you” she hugged her daughter back.
“Mommy, you know that Ahjussi back at the coffee shop..” Eun Ha murmured and yawning a little.
“What about him?”
“He’s nice. I like him”
“That’s good. Now sleep. Goodnight honey. Mommy loves you” she kiss Eun Ha's forehead.
Eun Ha snuggled deeper into her arm. “Eun Ha loves mommy too. Goodnight”

End part 1.

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