Brotherly Love that never fails:)

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While Arrow-Smith was making his promise to Flora he promised never to leave her side and that he will be right by her side till end of time. The nurse took the girl from the boys arms and asked what happened and he told her and just looked at him like he was crazy., but anyway she took her into a room and then got the doctor in the room and he asked and she told him what the boy told her. He look at the girl and looked at the door and looked at the boy, he asked if he was her brother and he answered and he asked if she was ok and the doctor just looked at him and went back in the room. Three days later Arrow-Smith comes back and asked the same thing and the doctor just looked at him and brought him in the room. A.S. just looked at the doctor and cried and huged him because he was happy that she would live and that he promised never to leave her side and everyday he came back to check on her hoping that she would soon wake up. (3 weeks past and one day he walked in and she was reading a book. Arrow-Smith falls asleep next to the bed and has a dream of when she was in the hospital when she was younger.)

Flora: Hey Big brother. Where have you been? Iv missed you ......... Can we go home now? Wheres mom and dad? Didn't they come with you?

Arrow-Smith: Flora, I have to tell you something......... Mom and dad are not coming ......... Mom and dad died in a car carsh and you were pulled from it and you lived. I thought that you died so i brought you here......

Flora: No they can't be died my birthday is today, they said they were going to give the greatest gift they could ever give me....... 

Arrow-Smith: Flora sis. listen to me they are not come to pick us up they are dead, they are no longer with us and you have to except that because its true. Trust me they are not come back!!!!

Flora: No your lieing they are not dead!!!!!!!!! 

A knocking comes open the door. Flora and Arrow-Smith do not answer because they are to busy yelling at each other. The door is swung open...... 5 men burst in and drag him out, Flora gets out of the bed and try's to save him and yell at him at the same time. 2 of the men came and picked me up and then put me back in the bed but Flora kept tiring to get out and so that didn't work for them so one of them so one of the men punch her to shut her up but still doesn't work so they whacked her to the point that she would die. Arrow-Smith saw this and made him very mad he tried to break free from the their grip but he couldn't. 

Arrow-Smith: Flora..... I will come back for you I promise, LET GO OF ME,!!!!!!!!!!! Flora..... Flora!!!!!!!!! 

As Arrow-Smith kept screaming the more he struggled and the more anger he build up. They closed the door before he could get ways so he ran into the door. He hit the window and he just stuck to it and he staired at Flora just laying there motionless. The men dragged him away and he never saw Flora ever since that day. He watched as he was dragged away from the room that he will have to keep his promise to her, but she did not hear the promise so when she woke up she was confused about everything. She was given to her grandmother and thats when she learned that something was wrong about her life from then on.

 While Arrow-Smith was asleep Flora woke up and was a bit freaked because she had seen this somewhere but could not remember where. So Flora shaking him to wake up, did not work so she pushed him off the bed and onto the floor. She laughed and then 10 mins of being on the floor he woke up and she was still laughing. 

Arrow-Smith: Sis. your up..... I've been wondering when you would wake up.

Flora:Sis. what do you mean by sis. How am i your sister? We would have to blood related and were not. unless you had a test going on while i was out

Arrow-Smith: Well there was so much blood on my arms and hands that they wanted to knows who it was and i told them its yours but they didn't believe me and i asked them if they can see if the blood on me was the same as mine.

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