First day of High School or also known as the nightmare begins.

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Flora had just finished her first day in high school and she was shoved into the trash and into a locker by three of the football boys. She was made fun of when ever she walked by and just sat in the corner and just wrote down everything that happened and hoping to find out why this is. Flora looks like the high kids but smaller. She is already labeled as a freak, a nerd, emo, outcast is what she thinks that she is. So day after day they try and try to do it all over again but every time it would get hard for them to move her. She walked by when she over heard them talking about what they were going to do to make her life miserable.

arrow-smith: We should shove her in to a wall and then get a bucket of ice cold water and stick her in it. 

Brenden: Well i think that is going a little to far. We should just do what we normally do.

Zack: Hey we are tring to make her life miserable as possible. Are you starting to like her? If you do she is really tiny and she is worthless.  By what Zack had just said made him Brenden really bad because he was starting to like her a bit, he thought that she was cute looking when he first saw her.

Brenden: your right she is just tiny and lets carry on with our plans. ( I can't let A.S. and Zack know i like her. She has the most pretty eyes i have ever seen. She is like a ray of sunshine.) Does anyone have any ideas of how to make her wish she was never born or wish she never came to the school.?

Zack and Arrow-Smith: Wow Brenden we had no idea that you could think that way. Dude you just keep getting cooler and cooler every second of every day. Hey Zack can you go find the little twerp and bring her here so we can for fill our plans?

Brenden: Yeah sure no problem. I'll be right back then. I know where she hangs out and what she does by this time of day.  When Brenden left Zack and A.S. started to worry on what was going to happen if we were to hurt the girl to much that he would pond there faces in and would try to be the hero when it happens.  About 5 Min's. after he left Flora walked past them and just walked along singing a song. Arrow-Smith fell in love with her voice on the spot.

Arrow-Smith: Hey Zack lets take her and keep her and make her sing. she has the most prettiest voice i have ever heard don't you think?

Zack: What is going on with you man. Snap out of it, remember our plans.

A.S.: lets not do that i don't want her to get hurt.  After what had just happened Flora wen up to Arrow-Smith and tried to figure out why they were doing all the things to her but Zack would not let that happen.

Flora: Hi my name is Flora whats you name? Hey don't tell me your name is Zack, your name is Arrow-Smith or also known as A.S. and where is Brenden? Well i need help putting things in my locker can you help me with it.?

A.S.: Yeah i would love too. where is your locker by the way.

Flora: Up stairs and i cant carry my books up because im to small. would you carry them for me?

A.S.: Yes i would. Flora had got Zack's attention on what she could do and how she could make it so she would make he's life miserable. Flora had got A.S. under her control. Zack had just relized what she was doing and how she was going to play this game.

Flora: So Arrow-Smith what are you doing today? 

Arrow-Smith: Im doing nothing and you can call me what ever you want. I love your voice. I think that you have a wonderful voice.  You should go for the school chore, and that you should do the talent show this weekend. Maybe I can get the teacher holding it get you in even though it is late notice.  Hey when is your Birthday?

Flora: well that will be kind of you to say that but I don't think I should try out for the talent show. I dont think I will make it. Well you are very sweet but I think you should wait till I get more use to being in the school if you don't mind. UMMMMM..... My Birthday is in just a few  weeks like maybe 3 weeks, let me see....... Yes 3 weeks exactly, why do you ask? Are you planing to get me something or do something for me?!?!?!?!? I'm so happy no one has ever done something for me :) :) :)

Arrow-Smith(A.S.)- Well I am going to get you something and I might  make you something or even plan something big for you. Well that's good that your big day is coming up soon. Well I....I have a question to ask you, well two questions more like it. Will you tell me what you want for your birthday and will you go to the first dance that is coming up? Will you go with me?

Flora: UUUUUMMMMM........................ Well I don't know what i want for my Birthday to be honest, well I don't know if I will go and I think someone is dieing to ask me so I'm sorry but i have to say no. im sorry, I wish I could but I have to see what happens if he doesn't ask me then ill go with you I promise.

Arrow-Smith: Ok, well I was hoping that you would go with me. Im sorry if I did something wrong.

Flora: Oh you did nothing wrong, I'm sorry that I said no. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up, I meant no harm to be done. Here I will let you know if he says no or something OK.?

Arrow-Smith does nothing but nod his head and look upset for what Flora had just said. For Flora noticed the sadness on his face and felt so sorry for telling him no. She thought that Brenden would ask her to the dance by now but she will have to wait till the end of the day to give him and answer. Flora will  have to wait till the end of the day and if Brenden does not ask her by then she will go with Arrow-Smith.

Flora: Hey Arrow-Smith are you Ok? I don't want you to be sad, I would love to see you happy. Will you be happy for me? Please?

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