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I couldn't breath, my chest hurt so badly. I tried to move, but the pain was too great, and I stopped.
"Emari?" A voice called gently. I opened my eyes, and saw everyone. Shikamaru, Akamaru and Kiba, Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, Iruka, Naruto, Kakashi, Hinata, Neji, Gai and Lee. I tried to sit up, but Naruto and Kakashi gently stopped me.
"Don't get up, if you move, you might hurt yourself even more," Kakashi explained. I made a confused face, and Kakashi smiled.
"Well, where's Emari go? All I see is a lost puppy," Kakashi said, being funny. Akamaru barked, and jumped onto my bed. I was in the hospital. Akamaru curled up next to me, and Kiba smiled bashfully.
"Emari, what happened? Kakashi-Sensei wouldn't tell us," Naruto said.
"Oh, nothing......" I said softly. Naruto looked at me, not believing it.
"Just drop it," Iruka said suddenly.
"Yeah, all that matters is Emari is okay," Sakura said.
"This is such a drag," Shikamaru said, not looking at anyone.
"Emari, I'm glad you're away, we bought you flowers," Hinata said. Neji put a small bunch of flowers on the table beside me.
"Thank you Hinata, you too Neji," I said. Hinata smiled, and Neji, I could tell, was almost blushing.
"So, Emari, when you et out of here, you and me are going shopping" Ino said, crossing hr arms, smiling. Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Miss Emari, I am displeased you were injured. If I can do anything, please let me know," Gai said, kissing the back of my hand. I pulled my hand away, and looked at him, weirded out. Lee kept glancing at Sakura, then me.
"I hope you get better soon," Lee said.
"I hope I do too," I said. I sighed, and tried to get up again. Naruto and Kakashi stopped me once again.
"Stop trying to get up, you've been out for a few days, at one point, Naruto told us you were dead," everyone glared at Naruto when Kakashi mentioned the incident.
"What! The heartbeat machine was at a flat line, then it was really slow in between," he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, and laid back down.
"Alright, I think it's time for everyone to go, she needs her rest," Kakashi announced. Akamaru stayed, and growled when anyone tried to touch him. Kakashi stayed after everyone left. He looked at me.
"You know, after you for hurt, Orochimaru disappeared," Kakashi explained quietly.
"Yeah, well....I don't care," I replied.
"Whatever, stay safe," he signs and kisses my forehead. He then left.

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