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Kakashi held the files in his hand, and next to him was Iruka. Iruka looked at Kakashi with sympathy.
"Kakashi, there was no way you could've known," he said.
"Iruka, but.....she's nothing like him, her brother," Kakashi said, gripping the papers tightly.
"Yet, she doesn't resemble him either. It didn't mean she wasn't related to him," Iruka said. Kakashi got up from his chair. They were in a meeting with the Hokage.
"Lord Hokage, what are you planning to do?" Asked Iruka. The Hokage looked at his copy of the files. Then he looked up at Iruka and Kakashi.
"Only if she starts posing threat, then will I take action," he said.
"But Hokage-" "Stop! Just because...Just because her brother is Zabuza Momochi, doesn't mean she's like him!" Kakashi snapped.
"That's the least we have to worry about! What if she's undercover for Orochimaru? What will you do then?" Shouted Iruka.
"Iruka, a ninja's stealth is very important, so put that skill to use with this information. If Miss Kyo has really lost her memory, then we'll have no problem," the Hokage explained.
"What if she's faking?" Iruka asked.
"Then, we'll have a serious problem on our hands, and I will have to take proper action, and exterminate her," he said calmly. Kakashi took a deep breath, and left the room, furious. The Hokage sighed, and Iruka lingered.

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