The smell of smoke and pine wood was heavy in the air as Rody walked into the High Captain's quarter. There was a smell of applewood, bacon, and meat. There was a large imposing shadow on the wall, flickering with the flame. A deep gruff voice said "State you business.
"I need to see the High Captain."
"Who are you to make such demands." The man asked.
"Darek's son,"
"Then you may pass."
The large heavy set man whispered "Say hi to your Ma for me."
"I will" he said, a bit suspicious.
Rody's steps echoed through the chamber as he went near the high captains quarters.
"Who are you." A voice said from behind the pine wood door.
"Darek Blackiron's son." Rody replied.
"Why are you here?"
"I am looking for a change in position. I work on Galen's boat."
"I see, you better come here."
"Yes high captain."
"Boy, you better realize the reason you're here is because of your Pa."
"Yes," he sighed.
"And that on the seas your daddy's name doesn't mean anything?"
"Yes" he said downtrodden.
"Well then, now that you understand the policy, we can talk."
Rody was happy at this.
"Son, what's you're position."
"I am bilge bailer." The high captain snickered at this. "And Lander."
"That idiot Galen forgot that you have to take a two year course and double the landers pay. Did he boy?"
"Yes High Captain." He didn't want to snitch, but this was a good reason.
"Well I'll have a little meeting with my axe. If he has one question wrong, he won't have a head, and I'll have another thing to mount on the wall. I haven't had a good be heading in a while." The high captain did this to check if he was bloodthirsty.
"Don't do that!" Rody exclaimed.
"What would you do?"
"Make him first mate for a bit, not anything extreme. "
"The boy knows how to take a fish out of water." The high captain chuckled.
It's time to get back to business.
"Is there any other positions on a ship?" Rody ask.
"Why yes, there is, on my old ship the Blue Dragon, we need a new captain, the older one cozied down." A smile cracked his face and so did one on Rody's.
"Wait, I get to be a captain?" Rody asked feverishly.
"No, you get to be back up first mate, and full time Bilge Bailer."
Well that was better. Rody pondered it.
"I'll take it."
"Hold it, this isn't a market place, you need to prove yourself."
"How? I'll do anything to do it."
"Anything eh, well scrub me toes and you'll have proven yourself worthy, it's what first mates and bilge bailers alike are good for.
"When was the last time you took a shower?" Rody asked
"I forgot." The high captain said grinning.
Rody took of his deal skin boots and saw a horror.

The Fall of Northpass
FantasyRody's dream is to find new lands and expand the great kingdom of Northpass. This is only a prequel the other part is The Legend of Ashfall on kishan_1020's thing.