twenty eight

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1 new message from unknown

unknown: found you (;

harry: who's this?

unknown: don't tell me you don't remember me baby (((:

you have blocked this number

i bite my lip, throwing my phone on the bed in front of me, knowing who those messages were from. he found out my new number. how in the hell did he do that?

i just knew it, i knew he would come back and haunt me. he just won't leave me alone. why won't he? hasn't he caused me enough pain? wasn't he satisfied or did he need to come back and make it worse? and there was nothing i could do but hide, cause he if got to me this time that could be dangerous. he could hurt not only me, but the baby. i couldn't let him do that. i couldn't let him come near me.

even if it is his baby inside of me, it's still my baby too. and this baby is not to blame for anything. i still loved it and wanted it. i wasn't gonna just give it away or let any harm come to it because of one horrible person. it was my baby and i'm supposed to love him or her and protect it. and i ever let anything hurt my baby, i would never be able to live with myself. and he would be right.

i would be a failure.

i bit my lip, feeling my phone vibrate again, then i looked to the bathroom door. zayn was currently taking a shower and i was waiting patiently on the bed for him. i reached over and picked my phone back up, opening it up to another text message from another unknown number. my hands shaking slightly.

unknown: aww did you block me again baby? you should know by now blocking ain't gonna stop me yeah?

unknown: is that new boyfriend of yours influencing you to do these things? you know you shouldn't listen to him, you barely even know him. you don't know what he's capable of love.

harry: you leave me alone, zayn would never hurt me like you did. just leave me alone or i'm reporting you and telling the court you broke the restraining order, and have your ass locked up like you should've been in the first place!

unknown: now harry baby, don't do something you might regret. let's meet up and talk about this.

harry: i'm not stupid enough to fall for that again. you're fucking crazy and i don't wanna be near you. and i want you to stay 9373949494 miles away from me, my baby, and zayn.

unknown: our baby :)

harry: go fuck yourself

you have blocked this number

i sat my phone down again, feeling my chest tighten and my eyes burned with tears. i didn't want to go through all of this again. i wanted it to be over and i wanted him to leave me alone and be out of my life forever, but of course that wasn't gonna happen it seems. i hear the bathroom door open and i sniffle, quickly wiping my eyes, not wanting zayn to see me crying again. i didn't want to annoy him by being a a cry baby.

"baby?" i hear zayn's voice call as he walks over to me and sits on the bed in front of me. "hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned. damn it.


"baby tell me."

i bite down on my bottom lip, "d-daren texted me from two different numbers just now.." i trail off. zayn frowns deeply.

"how'd he get your number?"

"i dunno zaynie, i'm scared." i whimper. zayn wraps an arm around me, pulling me close until my face is against his bare damp chest.

"don't be scared love, what did he say to you?" i reach over and grabs my phone, opening it and handing him it so he can read for himself. i feel him tense up and i nuzzle my face against him, hoping to relax him. "that bastard."

"zayn what are we gonna do?" i asked nervously.

"where does he live? i'm punch him in the face so hard his skull caves in." he clenches his teeth.

"no. violence is wrong." i tighten my arms around him.

"oh sure, because him beating the shit out of you was right." zayn says. i bite my lip, shaking my head.

"i know that, but i don't want you to get involved and get hurt because of me." i frown. it's not that i didn't think zayn couldn't fight, it was because daren was just borderline insane. you could beat him up and leave him half dead in the middle of the desert and he'd still find a way back to come and ruin your life. the only thing we could really do was report him to the police and hope to have him arrested.

"he won't hurt me. i don't care about getting hurt, i care about your safety and i will do whatever it takes to ensure that, even if it means beating the shit out of him and possibly getting arrested." zayn sighs. i smile, feeling my heart flutter at his words. despite what's going on, it made me happy to hear him say that. he wanted to protect me. i start to smile widely and probably very creepily and zayn raised an eyebrow at me. "you ok?"

"thank you zayn, no one has ever cared so much about me." well, except my parents, but eh it's their job to care about you, they have to. but when other people care about you this much, it really makes you feel happy to know that you matter to someone.

"of course, how can i not care about someone as sweet, smart, beautiful and smol like yourself?"

"my cousin is sweet smart cute and smol too." i say. zayn smirks.

"tell him to hit me up." i glare at him and he laughs, kissing me. "just kidding, you're the only one i want." i blush, leaning forward to bury my gave in his neck. he rubs my back softly and i melt into his touch.

"but don't worry baby, i'm gonna protect you, and ain't no fuck boy gonna touch if they don't want their arms broken."

"zayn... you're a fuck boy too though."

"a sexy ass one and don't you forget it."


daren got 2 phones, one for the baby and one for the hoes 😂😂😂

okay what you think should happen next?

i just realized, i published this story about three weeks ago and i'm about to complete it faster than sexual harassment, which has been out since 2014. like wtf. how come i haven't already completed that damn story??

anyways, after this story is completed. im publishing a new one called "bipolar". it's gonna be good af. im so ready for this shit.


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