Falling for her partner

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Thank you guys for reading this I hope you enjoy. Make sure you comment and follow me. See ou guys in my next chapter bye for now!!

She wasn't sure when she'd starting falling for her partner, but the revelation one day made Marinette extremely uncomfortable. They had been partners for just over a year now and she had not thought about it in all that time. There was also the fact that her and Adrien were finally becoming closer once she stopped stuttering in front of him, but that left her wondering whether or not that was because she was starting to crush on Chat Noir instead. She shook her head and thought about how ridiculous that was. She was still madly in love with Adrien, just more comfortable around him. Yea, that's it! she thought.

"So my lady, what's got you so spaced out this fine evening?" A voice from behind her said.

She jumped and gasped at the sudden interruption to her thoughts, but relaxed when she saw it was her feline friend. "Oh nothing Chat, just wondering when you'd show up. I've been waiting for what feels like forever."

"Fear not, for your cat has arrived to ease your worries."

"I wasn't worried, I was actually almost relieved I wouldn't have to suffer through your puns for a night. Guess the ladybug's good luck didn't work tonight." she shot back with a wink.

"You wound me." Chat grasped his chest like he'd been shot in the heart. Marinette, as Ladybug, stood up so they were as level as they could be considering their height difference. She was thankful that even though she'd realized she'd started to like him, she wasn't having the same stuttering problems she used to have with cute boys.

Did I just insinuate that this dork is cute? Damn, I must be in deeper than I thought.

"Was there any sign of activity on your way over here?" she asked.

"Nothing really, it's been pretty quiet today. Kind of a relief actually. Gives me more time to think about ways to woo you." He said with a playful wink in her direction.

"Oh yea?" she said and leaned in close to his face with a smirk. "Come up with any fun ideas?"

At this point, she was right up in his face, her own tilted to look up at him with her big blue eyes. He was actually at a loss for words for a second before she could vaguely make out his cheeks turning bright pink. He leaned back and lost his balance, falling back on the rooftop, barely catching himself on the edge.

"Oh, looks like neither of us has good luck tonight. Well, at least you caught yourself so I didn't have to come to your rescue like always!" She said, laughing, before taking his hand and helping him back onto the roof. She wasn't sure where all this confidence she had was coming from. I think I'm starting to spend so much time with him, I'm starting to act like him.

"Very funny, but you should know better than anyone that I would have been fine. I do always land on my feet. As for your earlier question, I do have some fun ideas. One involves a romantic trip down the Seine, right as the Eiffel tower lights up. I know it's so cliché, but it never fails to impress."

She shook her head. "Do you take all the girls down the river for a romantic boat ride to woo them?"

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close, dipping her back so he was leaning close to her face and said, "You know I only have eyes for you my lady."

Her confidence suddenly vanished and she found herself tongue tied staring into his eyes. She could feel her face heating up as he said "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?". The smirk he wore faded and his eyes widened as he noticed the pink that dusted her cheeks.

"Ihavetogonowbye!" she said quickly and slipped from out of his arms, running across the rooftops before dropping down into an alley.

When Chat had finally recovered, he called "Wait my lady, come back!" before running off after her. He ran in the same direction but sighed heavily when he realized he'd lost her in the streets of Paris.

When Marinette came to school the next day, she was exhausted and anxious to say the least. The fact that she had potentially let it slip that Chat Noir was having an effect on her kept her up thinking about how awkward their next encounter was going to be. Then there was the whole ordeal with Adrien and whether or not she actually was losing interest. She received her answer when he walked into the classroom and waved at her with a beaming smile and her heart fluttered in her chest. Nope, still extremely cute, she thought and smiled back albeit a bit weakly at him.

"Something wrong?" he asked her, smile turning to a frown of concern.

"Just a lot on my mind, so I was up too late last night." she said with a wave of dismissal. "You on the other hand look like nothing could go wrong with today."

"I think I figured something out and it's excellent news!"

"What would that be?"

Adrien blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's not for sure yet, so I don't want to jinx it. I'm just happy that it's a possibility."

"Salut!" Nino said, walking into the classroom and ending Adrien and Marinette's discussion.

The teacher started the lesson not soon after, but Marinette found herself unable to pay much attention and instead started doodling in her sketchbook. Before she realized it, she had drawn out Chat Noir's costume but was having trouble getting features, like his hair right. Her eyes kept drifting back to Adrien's hair which so much like Chat's but also not at all. They were close in colour but while Adrien's was tamed and styled, Chat's was unruly and wild like the true tom cat he was. She found she had no problem with his eyes however, as they reminded her of the emerald decorations her dad would put on bejeweled cakes, that sparkled in the sunlight. She sighed at the realization that she had 100% developed feelings for him, more than platonically.

She hardly noticed when class was dismissed until she heard Adrien's voice say, "Wow that's really impressive Marinette. Looks so much like him. Although the hair is a little longer."

Thx bye now !!

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