Their quite the pair

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Plagg watched incredulously as his charge walked out of the room, leaving a heartbroken looking Ladybug standing in the middle of the room. The transformation undid, leaving an equally heartbroken looking Marinette, eyes filling quickly with tears, and an angry looking Tikki floating next to her. The look the ladybug kwami was giving him conveyed enough for him to know he needed to catch up to Adrien right away.

"Adrien what do you think you're doing?" Plagg cried out, flying behind him down the empty hallway.

"I just... I need some time to think!"

Plagg scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Think about what? You don't know anything!"

"What I do know is that Marinette is Ladybug!"

"Do you? Are you sure about that? It could be a coincidence for all you know. You didn't even give her a chance to speak to you!"

"Is she?"

The question caught Plagg off guard and he faltered and he hesitated, giving Adrien all the answer he needed. He turned to leave again, but his kwami zipped in front of him before he could get very far.

"So what if she is? She had a good reason for not telling you, or else she would have. So why did you just leave her in there without any explanation?"

"It's not that I'm leaving her there, but it was kind of a surprise and I just need time to sort out my thoughts. I wanted to know who she was so badly I didn't actually think about how I'd feel when I finally did. I'm not upset that it's her but I need to figure out how I really feel about both sides of her before I talk to her about it."

Plagg sighed. "Cheese is never this confusing. But fine, go sort yourself out. I'll leave you alone."

Adrien smiled at him. Hands in his pockets, the boy walked slowly down the hall back to where people had started to meander back into the school. Plagg heard the noise of the crowd approaching and flew quickly back to where he had last seen Marinette and Tikki.

When he reached the classroom, he saw that Marinette had sat at one of the desks and was being consoled by her kwami. Knowing his news would likely make her feel better, he interrupted their conversation. Marinette raised her head when Tikki stopped talking to her.

"You must be Cha-Adrien's kwami," was all she said.

"I'm Plagg. It's nice to meet you, although I wish it was under different circumstances." Marinette just looked up at him, eyes rimmed red from the crying she had likely been doing before he came in. "I just wanted you to know that he's not upset. He's just trying to figure everything out. He really does love you."

Tikki stared incredulously at her long time partner, as she had not seen him so sensitive about their charges feelings in some hundred years. Although she knew that these two in particular were very special to the both of them, and they were both very invested in their lives and feelings.

Marinette perked up at his last words however, and her face warmed up, a small smile ghosting across her lips. She went back to frowning quickly afterwards. "I get that much, but I just don't get why he left so suddenly. This is what he wanted, isn't it? To know who I am? Am I a disappointment?"

"Pfft! I wish that was the case. Not only has he been a lovesick fool over Ladybug for god knows how long, but the last couple of weeks have been even worse with him being guilty over falling for you when his 'heart belongs only to his lady' as he would put it."

The smile on Marinette's face returned in full force, her heart beating wildly knowing that's what Adrien thought of her. She seemed to be at war with herself for a moment before she made the decision to go find him.

She looked up at the small creatures and they both nodded at her. She stood up and ran to the door only stopping when she reached it to turn and say "Thank you Plagg," before racing down the hallway in search of her black cat.

The two kwami looked at each other once Marinette was gone and laughed.

Plagg looked over at his companion. "They're quite the pair aren't they?"

Tikki giggled and replied, "that's for sure! I'm honestly surprised that you would come back and tell her that though. I know these two are special but this is a step, even for you."

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