Bad ideas

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"Wow Marinette, you sure know a lot about this stuff. If you weren't aspiring to be a fashion designer, you'd be an excellent baker!" Adrien praised.

Marinette blushed again. "Thanks, I just grew up learning all this kind of stuff. It's nothing really."

Adrien smiled at her and couldn't help but notice how blue her eyes were, kind of like Ladybug's. The thought made him sigh however and he glanced over at Nino who was staring intently at all the flavours they had. He saw Marinette looking at his sudden change in demeanor and tried to perk himself back up a little to ease both her worried looks, as well as the ones his friend had given him earlier. I wonder if Ladybug likes sweets, he thought. Maybe I'll bring her some.

Although things had been awkward between him and Ladybug at first after their heart to heart, their rhythm had returned and they were back to (mostly) flawlessly dealing with the akuma that threatened the city. However, that made it difficult for him to spend time trying to figure out who the boy Ladybug liked was. He wasn't even sure if he knew the guy, but a name would be a good place to start. He didn't want to come out directly and ask her, but he was getting desperate enough to do just that.

Thankfully, a few days later, he was able to figure it out.

There had been an akuma attack during lunch, another one caused by Chloe who had yet to understand what being kind was, and Adrien had been thrown into a picture of himself on a billboard a few blocks from the school. Ladybug had witnessed the whole thing and laughed at him, staring up at the picture of himself. Not that she knew that it was him.

"I didn't know that even the great Chat Noir was drawn to the irresistibility of Adrien Agreste." she said between giggles.

"You think I-he's irresistible?" he asked.

He could see her blush beneath the mask, and he suddenly remembered a moment a few months ago when she had come to him in his regular form at the start of an akuma fight. She had called him handsome as well as blushed when she picked him up and brought him to a safer place.

He could have laughed at the irony that she had fallen for him as two different people.

"We don't have time for this! LUCKY CHARM!" She called out and set up a trap while he distracted the student. After she purified the akuma and used miraculous cure, he caught up to her before she ran off. He only had two spots left but he needed to know.

"It's Adrien isn't it." At her confused expression, he continued, "Adrien. He's the other one you like, isn't he?"

Ladybug looked extremely surprised by his question, but wouldn't look him in the eye afterwards and he knew he was right. Her earrings beeped signalling she would detransform soon and she shot him a distressed look before running off.

He stood there, in an alleyway until his own transformation wore off, in shock that she was in love with him in both ways. Do I know her in real life? How could I have missed that? he thought. Despite her not wanting to share their identities, he knew he'd have to if he ever wanted a chance with her. He just hoped that she would be accepting of his decision.

"Are you insane? You want to let your transformation wear off in front of her?" Plagg stared at the boy incredulously.

"Let me explain! It's for her benefit, easing her mind so she doesn't have to worry about picking between me and, well, me. I love her, Plagg, and if this can make her happy, I want to do it. It's up to her if she wants to show me her identity, but I've made my decision." Adrien replied firmly.

"Adrien, let me explain something to you. I've been around for several thousands of years, helping out many Chat Noir's over the years, some who have chosen to reveal their identities to Ladybug, some who chose not to, and some who had it happen accidentally. And over those decisions or not, the majority of them ended poorly. One of them actually ended up being taken over by Hawkmoth and killing Ladybug because of the heartache of her not reciprocating their feelings."

"This is different. I already knows she likes both sides of me. Plus, this is the twenty-first century, how many hundreds or thousands of years ago did that happen?"

Plagg looked away from him and mumbled, "It may have happened in the early thirteen hundreds..."

"My point exactly. I'm going to tell her that Chat Noir is really Adrien Agreste, and that's the end of it. Now come on, I've been mulling this over for a whole week and I need to talk to her before I explode. Plagg, transform-moi!" Adrien said and leapt from his balcony in search of his Ladybug.

"I still say this is a bad idea," Plagg said to him from his ring.

"We're different from any previous Ladybugs and Chat Noirs. Even if she rejects me, I won't let Hawkmoth taint me with darkness. I'm stronger than that. WE'RE stronger than that, Plagg. Maybe I'll try calling her and see if she's already in her miraculous form." Adrien said and pulled out his communication device.

I'll post in another two or three days since I'm on holiday thanks for reading! Bye now.

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