Not exactly

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Adrien was both ecstatic and upset over the conversation him and Ladybug had had the other day. She had finally admitted to liking him, but there was someone in her real life who she liked just as much. If not more than me, judging by the way she talked, he thought. He wish he could know who she was in real life and maybe then he'd be able to win her over completely. He sighed at the thought as she told him more often than not that their identities were to remain a secret, and he deeply respected that wish. He knew they were important, but he would give anything to know who she really was.

"Adrien!" Plagg yelled in his ear.


"Your phone has been going off for the last five minutes. It's Nino. He eventually texted you to remind you that you guys were supposed to meet twenty minutes ago."

Adrien leaped out of his chair, grabbing his phone before racing out the door. He had completely forgotten about it until then, so he shot a text off to his friend explaining that he'd be there as soon as he could.

When he arrived, only slightly out of breath, Nino just rolled his eyes and they made their way to the bakery owned by Marinette's parents to get some snacks for later. They'd fallen in love with their pastries after Tom Dupain came in with croissants that one day at school.

"So what's got you so out of it? You've been a spacecase the last few days." Nino asked while they walked.

Adrien sighed. "I'm sorry, it's just I got some really good news, but it was also kind of disappointing."

"Does it have to do with your dad? He's the only one who's caused you to be this way before."

Shaking his head, Adrien explained, "No it's not him. I didn't tell you this, but I confessed my feelings to the girl I like the other day."

"She rejected you? YOU?"

"Not exactly. We didn't have time to talk about it anymore at the time, but later on, she mentioned that she liked me too, but unfortunately there was someone else she liked as well and she didn't want to hurt either of us until she could decide."

"Dude, I'm sorry, that's a real bummer. But that gives you hope right? No one can compare to you with the ladies. I'm frankly a little jealous. I think she'll come around. Who is this mystery girl anyway? I haven't heard you speak about a girl you liked since - oh, you mean Ladybug. Dude, she likes you?"

"Shut up! I don't need everyone knowing that THE Ladybug turned me down."

"Sorry bro. Anyway, let's eat some sweets and we can play some video games until you forget about it for a while. I can see the bakery now!"

The two walked into the store and were greeted by Sabine Cheng, Marinette's mother.

"Hello there boys! Can I help you with anything?" she asked.

"No thanks Mrs. Cheng, we're just grabbing some stuff for later. Some croissants and macarons probably." Nino answered.

"Okay well I have to get to work on a special order, but Marinette will be down to mind the shop for a while so if you have any questions you can ask her."

"We will. Thank you!" Adrien replied.

She nodded and disappeared into the back room. Nino glanced at all the goods on the shelves and mumbled, "It's a wonder Marinette doesn't get fat with all the delicious stuff they have here."

"She's pretty athletic, I imagine she works it all off somehow." Adrien replied.

"I don't know if athletic is the word I'd used to describe her. You weren't around a few years ago when she totally face planted during volleyball."

"Okay, but she seriously rivalled me in gymnastics, and I like to think I'm pretty flexible. Almost as nimble as a cat." Adrien laughed at his own joke, even though Nino wouldn't get it.

"Hi, sorry there was no one here for a moment." Marinette said, donning an apron. When she noticed who was in the shop, her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed slightly. "Oh, hey there, didn't know it was you two. Can I uh... help you with anything?"

"As someone who's tried probably everything, what would you suggest for a snack that is delicious but easy enough to eat while gaming?" Nino asked.

Marinette thought for a moment before smiling and gesturing them over to a case on the other side. "While macarons are the obvious choice, I would suggest getting these! They're kind of like truffles but less rich so that you can eat more of them; perfect for snaking on. They're basically just chocolate balls, but some come with nuts, cream filling, all sorts of things! They're labelled down below so you can take a look and let me know which ones you'd like. I'll even give you guys a discount if you buy in bulk."

Hi guys sorry for the late update been so busy but now I'm on holiday( finally). Plz comment and follow me please love you all see you in the next Chappie!!

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