Chapter 12

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Laura's POV

As the kiss came to an end, my heart was still pounding hard and there was still butterflies swirling around in my stomach. After our last couple lines we had to say, filming was over and I immediately ran into my dressing room while everyone else was scattered around set distracted in their own conversations. I didn't want to talk to Ross just yet. I needed to burst out in my own excitement first.

I locked the door behind me and started swinging my arms, skipping around the room, and smiling so big I probably looked like a smiling idiot. I couldn't help but be excited for myself, and proud also. Gaww! I can't believe I just had my first kiss with one of my closest friends. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was just so...happy! *eek!* I started squealing and plopped on the couch. My checks started to hurt from smiling but I couldn't stop! I noticed as I was reliving the moment with Ross there was blood rushing to my cheeks. I put my hands gently on them and I realized for the first time that they were boiling. I, Laura Marano, was blushing! This never happens when I'm thinking of a boy I like! Wait, does that mean I'm admitting I like Ross? Pshhh, nah! I'm blushing because I'm excited, right? About what happened with the kiss?

I started feeling dizzy, but the good kind! I started thinking. If I didn't like him, then why did he have such an affect on me during our 'moment'?

I didn't want to over think this whole 'feelings' thing in my head or else I would become stir crazy with myself and get a headache. That would be bad. As I snapped out of my thoughts I realized I should be going home now. I'll probably go throw myself a party or blast some of the Beatles' music and dance. I started collecting my stuff. Today has been pretty awesome as I might say so myself! I got over a fear that's been haunting me for the past week and now I can finally say I had my first kiss, and it. was. awesome.

I headed out my dressing room and almost everyone was gone. There was a few people in the very back but I didn't see any of my cast members. A slight sadness came over me as I trudged out into the parking lot.

*sigh* I realized that Ross is gonna be flying out to play with his band for the weekend. Well this sucked, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. Whatever, he probably had a flight to catch right now.

I heard some footsteps come up behind me but I ignore them, thinking this person was just getting in the car beside me. I pull out my keys and begin finding the one that will open my car. Aha! There it is! I start to put the key in when suddenly,

Ross's POV

I came out of the bathroom just as I saw Laura trudge out into the parking lot. There she was! I was looking all over the place for that girl! It's about time I find her!

I notice her pulling out her keys and I decided to take this chance to scare her, again. I know she hates it but it's really funny when she gets mad.

Instead of going out the back door where she could directly see me, I snuck out the side door where she couldn't. I carefully made small footsteps so hopefully she won't hear me and instead of a sudden scare I gently slip my arms comfortably around her waist.

Laura's POV

I quickly gasp when I feel arms around my small torso, hugging it. My heart started pounding. I turned to see it was Ross who was smiling. He was still here! He gently rested his head on my shoulder and calmly said, "Did I scare you?"

"Oh course you did! You would be scared too if some random person wrapped their arms around your waist. I thought someone was gonna kidnap me or something! You're lucky I didn't elbow you in the stomach Ross." I said this nonchalantly. He didn't let go of my waist yet. Instead he held it a little tighter.

He smirked and giggled,"Aw, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Maybe."

"Hey! I'm watching you!" I glanced at him as he let go of my waist. I turned so I was facing him now.

"Haha! Ok! I just think you're really cute when you get angry at me for scaring you!" He smiled.

Did he just say I'm 'cute' when I'm mad? What does that mean? Does he actually think I'm cute? Hmm.

I just responded accordingly,"Very funny Ross. Remember you have a plane to catch so you better get going. I gotta get home too." I smiled.

"Oh! Yeah of course! I'll see you on Monday ok?"

I nodded and as he was stepping away he suddenly turned around,"Laura! You were a really great kisser for not having experience!"

He waited quickly for a response, "Uh, yeah! No big deal! Pshh, I'm a pro now!" Gosh Laura! What are you saying!? After all I was kind of caught off guard when he brought it up.

"See Laura? I told you I would give you the best first kiss ever! It IS a big deal!" he grinned.

"Ha! Well I guess it is!" My face began to get red, I felt the heat rising suddenly. "Y-you're a really great kisser too Ross! It was nice." I looked away and smiled. I didn't want him to know how much it affected me. I looked back at him and he was red too! Aw! Ross Lynch was blushing! He just smiled and thanked me shyly then took off. It made me feel all fluttery inside.

Ross Lynch was definitely having a big affect on me right now.

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