Chapter 28

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Laura's POV

I woke up around 7:30 a.m. Ross was still sleeping and I was still snuggled closely to his chest, enjoying his natural scent.

I flickered my eyes open and looked up at his face. I decided to just stare at the perfection that was before me. I didn't have many chances to just simply look at him because usually I'd always catch him stealing glances at me first.

As I was playing with little wisps of his hair, I saw his eyes shoot open.

I quickly tried my best to look asleep but I failed. He caught me looking.

"Laura.." He trailed off in his morning voice, deeper then his usual one.

I pretended to yawn. "Huh? Yeah Ross?"

"Don't play that game with me missy, I saw you looking at me."

I couldn't help but look down, trying to hide my blush.

I felt a finger lift my chin up and now I was looking straight into his eyes.

Ross quickly pecked me on the lips and even though it was small, I still felt sparks.

"You're so cute when you blush!"

I bit my lower lip and laughed shyly. "Thanks."

Before I knew it, Ross was out of bed and gathered my crutches in the corner. He suddenly paused.

"Um Laura?"


"We have to film today...are you going to be ok?"

Eh oh.

"Well I guess...I mean-"

I moved my head a little and that's when the pain set in. My head still ached and my body was sore. Heck, I could barely move!

I set my hand on the back of my head and winced. "Oww...gosh! Ouch! Ugh."

Ross set the crutches down and came over to my side. He sat at the foot of my bed, shaking his head.

"You're not going to set today Laura. I'll just call the producers and have them film our parts tomorrow!"

I glanced at him, confused. "'Our' parts?"

He smirked confidently,"Yes. I need to stay here and take care of you. I don't want to go and then have something bad happen to you."

"That's really sweet Ross. Thank you but-"

"No butts! I'm taking care of you and that's final."

"O-Okay then!"

With that, he called the producers and explain to them what had happened. Turns out, they completely understood and would allow us to make up our parts tomorrow.

Ross's POV

After the brief call with the producers, I gently lifted Laura bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, making me feel butterflies.

The wonderful scent she carried made my head feel dizzy and the way she clung to me made me feel needed and wanted. I had a few girlfriends in the past, but they only wanted to use me for my high success. Laura was different and I liked that.

My thoughts scurried off as she buried her head into my shoulder.

As I was walking through the halls and down the stairs, I realized how quite the house was. Well, not until I heard Rocky snoring! I guess everyone was still sleeping.

I set Laura down on our sofa and started walking towards the kitchen to make coffee.

"Hey Ross?"


"You know, you don't have to carry me all day...I have crutches remember."

"Yeah. I know that I don't have to. I want to carry you. You won't be needing crutches as long as you have me!"

She laughed and I continued making it. I don't drink coffee often but this morning I'm craving it. It only took a few minutes actually.

"Laura, you want coffee?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

I brought over the two coffee cups and handed her one. Placing myself on the seat next to her, I sipped on my warm drink as so she.

Laura's POV

I felt my neck tighten up. I'm pretty sure I either have a knot, or I pulled a muscle. Not good.

I set my coffee down and started to rub my neck. Ross noticed and asked if I was ok.

"Y-Yeah. I think so. Agh. It's just my neck. I might've pulled a muscle or something."

"Well, I can try to help! Here, turn around."

I turned so my back was facing him and moved my hair to the side, revealing my neck.

"Are you okay with me placing my hands on your neck?"

"Um, yeah! That's fine."

I felt his strong, warm hands cover up my neck making my face instantly burn red.

He started massaging my neck and found the place where the knot was.

"Is that where it is?"

"Uh yeah."

He started rubbing his thumbs over the area and the more he pressed down on it, the more painful it got. But I felt the knot slightly loosen as I felt a burning sensation come over it.

The more painful it got, the more I made sounds like I was sucking in the air.

Ross stopped. "Am I hurting you?"

"No no. It is painful but I think the knot is starting to loosen."


He went at it once more and the pain started to ease. He slowed down and realized I wasn't in pain anymore.

His soft breath brushed against my neck as he softly kissed the area he was working on.

"Did I make my baby all better?"

I turned my head to face him. "Yes you did. Thank you." I kissed his cheek softly and he slightly blushed.

This is why I love him. It's not the big things that count, it's all of the little things that add up to be something big. Him taking care of me like this is just...words can't even describe. I'm beginning to trust Ross more and more with every little thing he does for me. To me, that is a beautiful thing.

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