Chapter 36

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Laura's POV

I opened up Google and searched each place Ross would be stopping at. Turns out, he's going to be back in LA half way through! But that's 2 months from now...

I can't wait that long! Or can I?

My mind shut off when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to Raini.

"Hey Laura! Long time no see!"

I was definitely surprised to see her.

"Raini? What are you doing here? You could've called you know."

"Well, what are best friends for!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Pshh. Come on in."

I prepared snacks and brought them up to my room. We both snacked on my bed and I saw Raini tilt her head towards me.

"Um, is everything okay Raini?"

"Hm, well, you are acting different so I guess you should ask yourself that question!"

Oh Raini, so observant. "Um, I don't know. Ross just left for tour and he gave me a map. Turns out, he's not having a show in LA til 2 months from now. I really don't know how I can wait that long."

"I'll help you! What you need is a girls day. Anything that can keep Ross off your mind. Time will become MUCH slower if he is, trust me."


"Ah ah ah! No buts! Let's go!"

Out she went. Geesh. Well, I guess I'll give it a try. She is partially right. I'm going to cry myself to sleep every night if I have thoughts of Ross.

"Laura come on!"

*sigh* Off I go! Yippee.

We arrived at the mall and decided to window shop. There wasn't anything I really needed at the moment so it was my best option.

After roaming around for awhile we got hungry and ate the food court.

In the midst of eating she spoke. "Oh yeah! I told Cody to meet us here."

"Cody? Cody Christian? Why?!"

"Oh chill out Laura! He's just here to hang out for a couple hours. Here he comes!"

"Hey ladies! Laura, Raini, nice to see you!"

"Y-Yeah! You too Cody!"

The three of us roamed around and while Raini took on the conversation, I couldn't help but think of former feelings I had for him. I'm glad he never knew. I have Ross anyways, there's no point in him knowing now!

Cody: "Laura why are you so quiet back there?"

"I, uh-"

Raini: "Yeah! Come join in our conversation!"

"Yeah, sure!"

Every time I turned to Raini, I saw Cody stealing glances at me from the corner of my eye.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I don't know. You know what, here's my number. I got to go now but I'll see you guys later?"

"Um yeah!"


I stood there awkwardly with the scrap of paper trying to process the past five minutes.

Raini looked at me. "Wow. Looks like someone is star strucked!"

"No Raini. It's just...I used to have feelings for him before Ross. It was a little awkward the way he was staring at me too."

"Oh, I knew that. So I told him how you felt-"


"HOLD ON! I wasn't finished! I told him how you felt BEFORE you and Ross were dating."

"Ugh! No wonder he was giving me those looks. He probably doesn't even know about Ross."

"Probably not. Don't worry about it. It's not like we'll see him anytime soon."

But soon enough, I got a call from an unknown number that WAS Cody.

"Um, how did you get my number?"

"Raini gave it to me! But anyways, I heard you have feelings for me and-"

"No, had. I HAD feelings for you but I'm currently dating Ross. Sorry."

"Ross? Oh I see. Isn't he on tour? Come and hang out with me! It'll be fun!"

"Um, yeah he's on tour. I'm not going to hang out with other guys just because I'm lonely. I'm not doing that to him. So goodbye."


I hung up. What was he thinking? Obviously he's selfish, and greedy.

I'd never ever do that to Ross. We've worked too hard for me to just bail. No matter how much I missed him I knew that our love would be stronger. These next 2 months would be worth waiting.

Ross's POV

I realized we'd be playing a show in LA half way through. I hope Laura shows up!

A month passed and I was starting to get weary. I have to wait another month for Laura. Great.

There was one show in particular I thought about her. Especially the song, 'If I Can't Be With You.' I nearly cried while singing.

Laura's POV

One of Ross's performances was recorded on YouTube. While I was watching it he looked so, sad. I knew it was about me because of the lyrics sung. He looks terrible. Oh man.

"One month left." I had to keep telling myself.

Ross's POV

Oh yay. Signing time. I signed posters and stuff for the excited fans. I was ready to just go back on the bus and sleep.

Riker was actually talking to a fan and I overheard him invite her to hang with us backstage. Well there goes my extra nap.

She was actually a pretty cool girl! 16 years old, pretty, had positive energy. I was actually starting to feel better! Her name was Chelsea and I ended up talking to her for most of the time. She had to go. We exchanged numbers and she mentioned she'd be attending another concert soon! Sweet!

Over the next month I've kept in contact with her. Texting, talking, you name it! I couldn't wait to see her again!

Rydel's POV

Why is he so happy? After his saddest concert he's been happy. He's been on his phone for quite some time. Oh my gosh! He's probably talking to Laura!

"Ross, how is she?"

"Huh? Oh! She's fantastic!"

"I'm glad you're keeping in contact with her."

"Me too!"

A couple more weeks past and we're finally having our show in LA! I called Laura up to see if she's coming.


"Hey Laura it's Rydel! Our concert is in LA tonight! Are you coming?"

"Yes! I have been waiting for this day for 2 months now! It's going to be nice to even say hello!"

"Wait, haven't you guys stayed in contact with each other?"

"Um, no. Sadly. I was scared to call cause he's usually busy. That figures why he hasn't called either. I can only imagine..."

Wow. If Ross hasn't talked to Laura then who-. THAT FAN! Oh, Ross is going to get it I swear-

"Um, Rydel? Still there?"

"Uh, yeah! Um, I'll see you at the concert okay? There's some business I need to take care of."

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