Chapter 30

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Ross's POV

I didn't wait for Riker to answer. His face went from excitement to shock and fear as I stormed back upstairs, slamming the door behind me.

My emotions can't even really be described right now. My stomach is twisting with anguish and my eyes are burning with fear, disappointment, and anger. I just want to scream or cry, or both.

I walked into the living room, finding a nervous Rydel twirling her fingers together. She paced back and forth by the door.


She stopped and looked at me with a surprised expression.

I spoke up. "W-Why are you acting so weird?"

She didn't answer.

That's when I noticed. Laura wasn't on the couch. Neither were her crutches.

"Where's Laura?!"

Rydel slowly started to speak and rapidly got faster over time.

"Well, uh. When you were still with Riker and everyone was jumping up the stairs, Laura got curious and-"

"Wait! You told her about the tour?!"

"Well, um, yeah! But only because I thought it would take the burden of YOU having to tell her!"

"Rydel!! Ugh!!"

I covered my face with my hand and groaned. I'll deal with detailed questions later. Right now I need to find Laura.

"J-Just...ugh! Where did she go?!"

"I don't know! After I told her she just got up with her crutches, hopped to the door, and said,'I'll be back.'"

I mumbled. "Oh geez. That really narrows it down."

I grabbed my coat and headed out. She couldn't have gone that far, right? Considering the pain she's in.

I decided to walk to find her. I needed to let off some steam as well. This would work. Killing two birds in one stone.

Laura's POV

I remembered where the park was. The one Ross took me to awhile ago with the big oak tree.

I hopped as fast as I could with the crutches. I was physically hurting, yes, but I didn't care. My hearts pain was overruling that.

As I reached the park (finally), everything just hit me all at once. The questions, this relationship, the's like a boulder came crashing down on me. I felt my heart dropping to my stomach and tears started to well up in my eyes once again.

They suddenly blurred my vision and I started hopping faster until I tripped over a rock. I landed by the oak tree and tried my best to sit up, weak body and all.

I tucked my knees in and buried my face in them. I started to cry and my body started to shake. Thank goodness there was nobody here to see me like this. For all I know, they would think I'm just an overly emotional teenage girl trying to seek attention. Right now, I'm just here alone and I'd like to keep it that way. Humph!

Ross's POV

I've searched almost everywhere! Around our neighborhood, her house, around the library. She loves the library! Where oh where could she be...

Hmm. I randomly started to relive the 'hang out' time I had shared with Laura. That was one of the sweetest moments I've had with her. Laura never wanted to leave that treehouse...

That treehouse!

I perked up and ran over to the park.

My heart was beating rapidly now as I approached the entrance.

Will Laura even be willing to talk to me? I hope so.

My heart broke at what I saw. I found Laura. Under the oak tree. Crying. Cradling herself.

As I tip toed closer and closer, her sobs seemed to get louder. There was a cool breeze that made her body shake. According to my sister, that's how you know she's having a mental breakdown. I think.

Her sobs quieted down as she heard me approach, now only a few feet away.

She looked up at me for a moment and cradled herself even tighter.

I could hear her through her sobs. "L-Leave me alone!"

I guess I'm going to be here for awhile. I sat down next to her, but not so close I was touching her.

I replied in a soft but firm tone. "No. I'm never going to leave you alone Laura."

She looked at me with her tear-stained eyes, looking very much irritated. "Did you...did you already know about this?!"

Obviously she was referring to the tour. "N-No Laura! I'm in as much shock as you are!" I guess I raised my voice louder than I thought because Laura looked a bit frightened.

She mumbled something I couldn't quite understand.


A single tear rolled down her cheek. Her voice was calm now. "I just can't believe this...the thing I feared the most is coming to reality now. Everything is crashing on me all at once, Ross!"

When she said my name in such a desperate tone, that hit me, hard. I knew full well that she needed me. I covered my face with my hands and tried my best to keep it all in.

I felt Laura scoot closer to me and speak. "R-Ross. I didn't mean to make you upset-"

I uncovered my face and interrupted, tears now I have no control over we're spilling out.

"You're not the only one who's upset Laura! Don't you know how this makes ME feel!?"

She started crying again. I regretted my tone instantly and straddled my arms around her. I brought her close to me and instead of pushing me away, she buried her head into my chest and I into her shoulder.

I don't think any words could explain the pain we both felt, together. All we needed was each other right now. To cry in each other's arms knowing we needed each other's full embrace.

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