Undercover Beauty

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* Dedicated to Kati! <3**

Secrets. We all have them, right? Well even I... the school's biggest dork and dweeb known to the world, has a great secret. A secret so drastic that It would change the perspective of me. My name is Lacy Stewart, i'm in the 11th grade. I'm the type of person who hides behind people. I don't want to get noticed in school.

My classes are simple. I'm one of the smartest girls in this entire school. People come to me all the time to get my help...i don't want them to... but of course I help them. I am also made fun of by pretty girls... or sluts... because I'm a loser. But hey, they don't know my secret.

No one in the entire school, has any idea the real me. Not one damn person knows me. Nor cares enough to get close to me! I'll have to keep it just to me then... not like it matters to me.

Everyday I put my hair into a pony tail and put on my square glasses. I also have a retainer... which just goes with my look. Going to this school is hell. Well... sometimes.

"Hey Lacy, can you help me with my math?" Jackie asked me.

"Sure no problem!" I smiled and helped her. I am constantly helping girls and guys, but do I ever get a thanks? Nope. Rude people.

"Hey you have the same name as the super hot model don't you?" Nick turned to me with a grin.

"Yes.. I do..." I stuttered.

"She's hot... it's weird..." Nick looked me up and down.

"Yeah... weird." I was disgusted.  Guy always ask me that... and are always sad with the fact that I'm not the "Model".

"Oh my god! Did you see the new magazine! It has the model Lacy Stewart in here! She's so beautiful! I was I looked like her!" I overheard a couple of girls. They were holding the new VOGUE magazine. The cover was of Lacy Stewart. I laughed to myself. My phone was ringing. I looked at the number and stepped away from everyone.

"Hello? Yes Ron...Yes i'll be there after school... what? I have to meet him! Ugh... but I!..fine I understand. Goodbye." My secret? Well... I'm actually the model, Lacy Stewart... under cover.

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