CH4: " A Hunter and a Predator"

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Nico shifted under  the pressure of some weight , she tried to some her hands only to find a large male muscled arm  around her. Her ears twitched at the sound of  snoring right beside her ear and  she was no longer able to  tune it out.  She opened her  eyes a little more to see that  most of Daryl was  slummed over her .  She was  pretty much  resting on the man , his neck was resting on her arm  while her head  was resting on his chest and so was most of her. One  of his arms  was slung over her  waist and resting  on her ass. During the night it got cold so the bodies natural response was  to seek warmth- unlucky for Nico that means  this . 

Nico rolled  her eyes at the sleeping Daryl , no amount of good looks  were going to  save the man from her glare.  Nico , at no point , want  the man to wake up and find this position so it was time to  be stelfy. She felt his chest rise and fall , his heart was beating fast: he must be dreaming - that was good , she thought it meant that he was less likely to wake up.  She couldn't help but hold a minute , he was warm and cozy and it has been  so long : -/no, focus . Dont' wake up the pretty man/ her head cleared. As Nico moved, he stired and his snoring stopped , instead she heart a faint murmur for him, raising her eyebrow  as she held in a chuckle: what in the world was he dreaming about? Well, what ever it was it was something that clearly pulled him further into sleep.  All his weight pressed on her arms as she tried to wiggle it from under him , stirring him slightly. All that accomplished was   have him lean on the arm more and take a long deep breath of Nico's hair in comfort. Luck for him she managed to keep her hair clean .

Her eyes widened when she felt his other arm move around- Nico glared at Daryl as a smirk rose on his lips. His right hand mildly explore the location it has been at all night,making Daryls eyebrows rise in a pleasant surprise.

 "mmm are ya considering chewing of your arm right about now?" asked Daryl in a sleepy manner , feeling Nico's arm under his head. " Get your hand of my ass!"said Nico, Daryl groaned in an aggravated manner. "You sure run your mouth alot!"he  said with a struggle, eye still closed , his face still buried in Nico's arm and hair. He didn't really care , personaly: he was warm ,  had surprisingly soft hair and skin touching him and  his arm was comfortably resting on a pair of silky shorts.  The man was in no desire to move in any way , rubbing his cheek slightly against her arm and hair - making himself comfortable.He groaned more at the sound of Nico's voice .

 "Get your hand of my ass!"she nagged him, now insisting . He had enough at this point. No amount of firm ass could overweigh him being annoyed.

"Fine , fine !"he said, letting go of the warmness around him, making him pout and groan at the sudden chill . Personally he didn't see a problem with this , not like he was doing it out of pervetness , in all honesty he admitted to himself that it was just a nice change of pace.  "Don't flatter yerself. Not like I was doin' anythin' !"he mumbled , Nico grabbed her shirt and swated Daryl with it " Ok ok, I'm up , im up!"he said, getting up from the sleeping bag. One of Daryl's eyes was still tiredly closed, he slummed his back- rubbing his chest a little : trying to regain some warm on his bare skin while Nico was getting dressed. His hair was messy and  his eyes still sleepy, his lips forming a frown.He rubbed the back of his neck and then his throat, a yarn escaped him. It felt kind nice having a woman sleeping with him - its been a good few months  since the last time he got so close to one since one night stands was something he didn't really do well with. 

Nico rubbed her skin , feeling odd that her skin had contact. While Nico put her clothes on and changed, Daryl noticed a glimpse of a few marks but never the less was too sleepy to really care at this point. He really wasn't a morning person and he made sure that he made that known to everyone, including Nico. "Oh im sorry , would you like a massage and a complimentary breakfast? Maybe some coffee , tea?" mocked Nico, condescendingly looking at him . Daryl growled 

'Unlikely Heroes' :The Walking Dead -  Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now