CH9 :Fate has a twisted way

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( A long time since any Daryl x OC but Im setting up for it and having fun)

 The plan was simple .  Get the supplies, leave at night without a trace there . No goodbyes , no salutes, no questions .

At least, it was simple before things got complicated .

It's been  a day and  a half since Merle kept  Nico's secret and Nico kept his . They kept their appearances and  jobs for now  but everything was getting  boring and it was getting to that point fast. Merle grabbed Nico's arm and started pulling her onto the roof .

"Come on you dyke !" he said , insisting . A sniper rifle on his back. He was still a redneck jackass but  at this point she couldn't even complain - this guy needed a punch in the face but only she was allowed to hit him.

Nico remembered a few days ago : the two of them have been going on at this back and forth charade this entire trip:

"I mean what kind of name is Nicolas for a chick, you secretly a dyke or sume'thin'?"

"What kind of name is Merle? You a dog or sume'thin?" , Nico micked him, the people around then stopped getting between them . Most reckoned it was  safer then .

 But alot of things were suddenly changed , seemed to have been a pattern in these recent days. Merle dragged the girl onto the roof , he showed her the sudden  gathering of brain eating freaks from  under the building .

"Look what the motherfuckin' idiots did!" he growled. Nico gasped slightly . " Dear God...." she mumbled under her brain , these   numbers made her encounter a few days ago seem like a small family reunion .  She glanced at Merle who seemed a little high , she rolled her eyes , cursing Doc under her breath. There was definitely alot of commotion going on . Merle grinned ear to ear, every day he was getting a little bit  more restless. Less cooperative with anyone , Nico was the only one who could really make an impacting suggestion to his actions .

Nico knew that people like  him need an exact manual , people like him didn't like weakness and could smell it of from a  mile .  If you were too unresponsive you would be shunned out of respect, if you were too responsive you become a target .  After looking around  Nico heard alot of commotion  bellow them .

Her head turned to Merle,  who shook it of .

"Probably Blondie gettin' her period on!" he said with a huff. "Hey Li' Pixie, see that  thing bellow the ground !"he said , looking down from the roof top, noticing a  few things on the ground He never bothered looking down , but now he had a clear view . Nico kept talking about how she needed some tools and wires and there seemed to have been a box abandoned by the side , someone was probably fixing the electricity before they got killed.

 "these things are pillin' in any-whom . Why don you fetch those , I'll cover your pretty little ass !"he said . Nico looked down . There were only a where walkers there , she she went up and down fast she could probably do it. Seemed like a crazy idea a man on a high would come up with.

In reality Merle just wanted shooting practise and Nico would make a nice bait. Besides they needed all the supplies they could do with and  it was worth checking out. Nico rolled her eyes . It was suicidal , but she  picked up Merle's state of boredume somewhere along the way as well as those tools still looked like they were in good condition. Her head turned to him , she didn't want to going without being covered for real.

Merle rolled his eyes "I got you covered Tinka' bell !"he amused,  his expression turned stern as he signalled for her to go scale down.  Nicolas dropped everyone on her except a pistol and started climbing down the building . There were enough angles and windows there to  make a successful slide down . A few Z's  begun noticing her ,  the diner bell has been rung  and she was on the menu .  Nico picked up and shovelled everything she could into the box ,  a walker sprinted for her and Merle shot in in the head : time to skedaddle.

'Unlikely Heroes' :The Walking Dead -  Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now