Chapter Three

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Maddison twirled the ratchet wrench around in her hands, as her eyes watched Jacob work on a little rusted truck that had been brought to him. Every so often the girl would hand him a bolt, or tool needed, but she was mostly just sitting and keeping the native company. Her mind was wandering to "what ifs" and possibilities that were no more, when the garage door was thrown open by a laughing Embry and Quill. Her eyes looked up as her smile widened at the two boys who were pushing and shoving the other into the small space. In one fluid movement the sixteen year old girl was beside her two best friends, with a wide smile on her pink lips.

"What's up, buttercup?"

Quill laughed as he threw his arm over Maddison's shoulder.

Maddison rolled her eyes as she looked up at the tall Quileute boy. Though Maddison was the tallest during their preteen days, she now found herself substantially shorter than the russet skinned boys that have always been her friend. Jacob, Embry, and Quill seemed to have grown several inches overnight once the trio hit sixteen. Though they were still lanky and loveable, Maddison noticed the difference between her boys. Embry was beginning to gain more lean muscle than the lanky Quill and Jacob was beginning to fill in his towering form better too. Maddison tried to ignore the sudden changes in the boys' appearances, because the only other person she had ever seen that happen to was Paul. Paul, who quickly abandoned Maddison and all his other friends and joined Sam Uley's slowly growing gang.

Maddison quickly shook the disturbing thoughts from her head and forced a cheerful reply to Quill.

"Nothing much. Jacob is fixing a car for someone, though."

With a shrug, Quill's arm was back by his side, while Maddison returned to her spot near the rusty truck

"Not just someone," Jacob began as his grease stained face lifted from the interior of the truck. "Bella Swan! You remember her from when we were little, right Mads?"

Maddison rolled her eyes, once again, but nodded her head. Bella had been somewhat friends with Maddison during their youth. This was due to the fact that when Bella was on the reservation, Maddison didn't feel nearly as left out. Bella was a pale face that had found friends among the Quileute community that was not entirely accepting to pale faces. While Maddison was never very fond of Bella, she still enjoyed spending time with her, simply because it made her feel like she belonged.

"Well, she's moving back, and I told Charlie that I would help with her welcome home present."

Embry and Quill shared a knowing look with Maddison as Jacob continued to sound flustered at the nearing arrival of Bella Swan.

"He's been like this all day." Maddison affirmed as she looked at the frantic boy who was leaned back over inside the truck, once again. For a moment, the only sound in the garage that was hear was the subtle clanking of metal as Jacob attempted to fix something inside the vehicle. However, the moment was quickly ruined as Jacob let out a yell of pain, causing Embry and Quill to laugh at their flustered friend.

"Dude, calm down! I haven't seen you so worked up over a girl, like ever!"

Quill's statement was met with agreements from both Embry and Maddison as the three friends chuckled at Jacob's disheveled hair as he clutched his right hand towards himself.

"You just don't understand..." Jacob began as he shook his head. His tanned fane overcome with a look of pure longing, as he imagined that of the young Swan girl. "When we were little, I was like in love with her. She is two years older than us! TWO! I can't seem like an immature sixteen year old. I have to seem mature and desirable."

"ohhh... Mature and desirable!"

Embry and Quill busted out into laughter at the Quill's witty remark and the way that Jacob described his affinity for the Swan girl. Maddison, however, felt for the love struck boy and simply put her hand on his shoulder giving it a firm squeeze.

"You'll be fine, Jake. I've never seen a girl who could resist you, and at six feet tall, I doubt she'll remember that you're sixteen." With a small smile on her face she backed away from Jacob with her arms spread wide as if gesturing to the area around her. "Butttt... I think she'll know you're immature if she ever talks to you, or us. Hate to break it to you, but look around, you're a little doof."

"Oh really? I'll show you immature!"

Her statement was met with a playful smirk as Jacob challenged her statement by chasing her around the little garage, so that he could wipe grease onto her plain white shirt and blue jeans. The playful shrieks echoed throughout the little area, as Jacob picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. The little brunette laughed as Embry and Quill joined in on her harassment, by taking the oily bolts and screws and tossing them at the laughing girl. Their fun was interrupted, however, by a hulking Sam Uley and Billy Black in the entrance to the little garage.


Maddison's cautious voice caused the three boys to turn to where she was looking. However, as she was still over Jacob's shoulder, the action caused her to be turned away from the two figures so she was forced to be the only one not seeing the reaction of the adult and elder. With the sound of a throat being cleared, the disheveled Maddison was gently placed back onto her own two feet and turned by Jacob's gentle hands to face Uley and Billy. Sam's cold gaze raked over Maddison, as if inspecting every inch of her skin for injuries, before snapping his cold glare back to her eyes. The awkward silence was broken by Billy starting to address the group, though he looked and sounded more cheerful than the other man in the door.

"Sam said that Paul was patrolling the Rez when he heard Maddison screaming. Though it looks like you kids were just having fun, try to keep it down so the neighbors don't send the search party again."

The soft chuckles of Billy Black did not allow the clenching of Maddison's heart to lessen as she heard Paul's name. The boy had become a part of Sam Uley's gang, and she refused to see the boys as the "neighborhood patrol" that all the adults recognized them as. Jacob, knowing his friend's feelings, placed his hand on Maddison's shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze. The motion, however, did not calm down the pale faced girl.

"Yeah, well we're fine, Billy." Her tone seemed tense but sweet as she addressed the elder, however it was gone in a second as her gaze hardened onto Sam. "And you can tell Paul, and the rest of your little gang, that we don't need you 'watching out' for us. Watch yourself."

The fiery little brunette quickly shook out of Jacob's soft hold, and made her way out of the garage area, making sure to bump into Sam Uley's chest as she left.

Even though things were in the past, shecouldn't deny that she still missed Casen and Paul. However, Sam constantlychecking up on her with the mention of Paul reporting something amiss set heron edge. He was supposed to be leaving her alone, yet he continued to haunt herpresent. After two years, one would think that the pain of betrayal from herbrother and Paul would go away, but she just felt abandoned and couldn't seemto let it go.

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