Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

AN: Don't really have an excuse for the lack of update since this initial version of the story has been sitting completed for months... Sorry? However, it is just so bad reading through it that it has been hard for me to publish it, especially since I am rewriting it and know just how much will change from A to B and things that get added, left out, and lord help all these time jumps and the writing style. Anyway, here it chapter 11, and the end is near for the New Moon-ish type of section. It could end with that section or potentially go on, I don't wanna make any false promises because it has taken me so long to just post this. I seem to have fallen out of love with the Wolf pack series -even re-writing- and obsessed with others but I have a month of no school or 40 hr work weeks so im going to force myself to complete it. Again, sorry for the wait, crappy plot holes, and time jumps but I hope you can still enjoy the story.


As Paul raced across the Reservation in search of Maddison, his heart began to beat faster and faster. Thoughts of how he was going to go about telling her that she was his imprint, or that he could turn into an ancient wolf warrior, kept playing out in his mind. He knew his emotions were running high, and that the other members of the pack that had shifted for patrols were probably annoyed by his unsettled mind, but he could not find it in himself to care. Between the anger that he was feeling towards Billy, and the resentment he was feeling towards himself, there was not much that could be done to sate his packmates minds.

Paul ran to Maddison's house, and was both disappointed and happy that the Ellison household was vacant. Disappointed because his search would have to continue which would give his mind more time to roam, but happy because that meant that Maddison was not isolating herself when she became upset any more. Though the Ellison girl had every right to want to lock herself away from the world, Paul was glad that she was beginning to adjust to her tragedies and allow others to help with her pain. With that thought in mind, Paul headed in the direction of where he knew Maddison would currently be: Quil's house.

His heavy paws were digging into the earth, propelling him closer and closer to where he could feel his imprint was. Maybe it was selfish, but even if Paul was going to drag Maddison into the world of wolves and vampires, he could not help the elation that he would get to be with her. Even if it was just as a friend or a protector, the thought of being able to converse and taut Maddison made him feel like life could be similar to what it was when Cason was still living and Paul wasn't a wolf.

Lost in his own thought, Paul almost broke the treeline and entered the clearing near the Ateara house. Quickly coming to a stop and shifting, Paul located some shorts before entering the small section of cleared land. Paul was anxious to approach the Ateara home, knowing what he was about to have to face. However, the anxiousness was quickly replaced by fury, for when Paul passed one of the windows he spotted his imprint with her arms around the younger boy and her lips pressed firmly against that of another's. The white hot anger coursed through Paul's veins with such a ferocity that he hardly had time to back away from the house before his flesh was replaced by his cursed fur. A low rumble left his throat as he shot off into the darkness, and he knew that his packmates would feel his fury and wonder what had happened. However, they wouldn't have to wonder long because the image of Maddison with her lips against Quil's would not remove itself from his mind and he knew that it would be projected to his packmates due to his inability to control his emotions.


Paul's large paws dug into the dirt as he skidded to a stop before Sam. Sam's face was set in a hard line, ready for a fight, and the idea of a good fight had Paul's hackles raised as he showed his teeth. Somewhere in his mind he knew that what he just did was a sign of insubordination, and that Sam had every right to beat his ass, but all he could think about was how he wanted blood spilt, and it would not matter if it was his own.

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