Chapter Seven

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LOOK YOU GUYS I UPDATED BEFORE THURSDAY!!! There might still be an update on Thursday, we'll see, but there will FORSURE be one THIS SUNDAY!!!! Enjoy the angst(wait what (; )

Chapter Seven


Blue eyes, still wide with fear from her previous encounter looked up at Paul. His heart broke at the news that he was going to have to give her.

"Thank God! I've been going crazy for the past hour thinking something bad was happening..."

Maddison cut herself off as she saw the distraught look on Paul's face

"Paul? Is evverything okay?"

Usually she would be too busy resenting the boy before her, but there was something different. Today he had tried to protect her, made her feel safe, and she was feeling something that she hadn't acknowledged for a long time towards the native boy.

"Maddison, I want you to know that I would prevent any danger that I could from happening to you... but I can't prevent the pain that you are about to feel."

"Paul, what are you..."

"Maddison, Poppy was killed tonight."


She had been sitting in her room for days. Days with only the numbing sound of her slow heartbeat to fill the void. She wondered how it even could beat after all the pain that it had endured.

No more Cason. No more Paul. No more mom.

Her heart couldn't take anymore.

That's why when her uncle Billy came over to tell her that he wanted her to come and live with him and Jacob, as her legal guardian, she just looked up at him with bloodshot blue eyes before laying right back down on her bed in denial.

And she hasn't moved from that bed since... not to see anyone, not to talk, not even to attend the funeral that was held for Poppy Ellison... She couldn't even will herself to go to her mother's funeral. It was as if ever since Paul said it outloud, she had lost the will to live, to breathe to do anything.


Eyes, lazily opened to see Paul's tired face by her side... He had never left.

Maddison stared at the Quileute boy before her, saw his lips moving as if he was saying something, but Maddison's tired mind could not make out a single thing that he was saying.

Paul wanted to yell, scream, curse the whole world, and just about anything else at the moment. Maddison was tired of living, it was clear for him to see. He, however, was worried that the moment he left the room her body would find the strength to rise up and end it all. She hadn't said a word to him, their only communication being tears and the desperate clinging around his neck... then it all just stopped. Her tears dried up, bloodshot blue eyes that looked haunted taking their place, and her embrace stopped feeling like an attempt to hold on as she let herself go.

"Maddison! You need to get up! Say something! For God's sake, CRY!"

Maddison's eyes looked right at Paul, yet there was nothing. Her heavy lids, colored almost purple from the lack of sleep, simply fell over the blue eyes that he was waiting to see a reaction from.

"Maddison... please."

It was a broken plea, from a broken man. The words sounding like a prayer on the lips of a dead man, and it seemed as if it was just that. Paul could not take seeing his imprint in so much pain, it felt as if his own heart was crumbling in on itself.

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