Chapter Nine

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Kind of a filler, but there is some drama in the next chapter and I felt this little look into everyone's head would help it make more sense. Enjoy, and sorry that it is late. Apparently my dumb self doesn't know the difference between a draft and publishing. But because of my error, another chapter will be up tomorrow.


Chapter Nine:

"Dude, are you sure you're okay?"

Maddison was at the Black household with Quill helping Jacob prepare for his "not a date" date with Bella Swan. She looked over at the nervous Jacob as he tried moved the collar of his shirt away from his neck. It was obvious that Jacob was nervous, but it was almost like there was more. Ever since Jacob had blown up at Maddison two days prior, Quill and Maddison had been keeping a keen eye on their friend and they weren't the only ones.

Little did the duo know, that outside the Black household were two anxious boys, just waiting for the young man inside to shift. The tribe knew that Jacob's shift was inevitable, he was their rightful leader by blood and it was only a matter of time before he followed his kin and shifted. With his agitated state, and the "fever" coming on, the time was soon.

Paul and Embry heard Quill's comment from outside the house and their faces set into a grim line. They had been waiting for weeks for Jacob to shift, but since the return of Maddison into his daily life, Paul had taken it upon himself to keep his eyes on Jacob at all time so that he would not harm his imprint when he finally did shift.

Embry could see the worried look increase on Paul's face as Maddison mumbled some type of reply within the Black household, and a frown of his on grew on his face. When Jacob blew up at Maddison, he had not been completely wrong; Embry did have some feelings for the girl that he had pretended to date for two years, it was inevitable that he would actually start to have affections for the girl that he had to openly be affectionate to. However, when he shifted it was as if all of those feelings became platonic. When he first shifted, Paul was on patrol, and he could see and feel a lot of the gray wolf's emotions and memories because they were so turbulent and overwhelming. He could clearly see himself, but not himself, standing outside Maddison's window and could feel all the love and worry that Paul had for his imprint. In that moment, it was as if all Embry's affections for the girl turned into protectiveness and he respected Paul for loving her in a way that he would never be able to.

"Why don't you just tell her, then we could all protect her and you wouldn't have to worry so much?"

Embry's voice caused Paul's head to snap to the newest member of the pack with a grimace on his face.

Paul had wanted to tell Maddison so many times about what was happening in Forks and on the Reservation. When he first saw her after he shifted, he just wanted to tell her the whole story and that he was meant to be with her for the rest of her life, no matter if it was just as her protector and friend. Then when that leech was in her house, he wanted to tell her and to take her away. They still did not understand why it had been attracted to that place, why it was on their land, why it had murdered their people. Those reasons just made Paul want to tell Maddison even more, but he knew his duty as her imprint was to protect her first.

"She isn't ready."

Embry glanced at Paul, who had adverted his gaze back to the house, where he imagined Maddison stood on the other side of the thin wall.

"None of us were... Doesn't mean you shouldn't tell her."

Paul could feel Embry's eyes on him, but all he could focus on was the rapid beating of Jacob Black's heart as he stood feet away from the girl that he was supposed to be protecting.

"As an imprint, it's my job to prevent harm from coming to her. You'll understand one day. Until then, she isn't ready."

Maddison rolled her eyes as Jacob and Quill started to bicker about the not date and how Jacob should approach Bella if he wanted to win her over. Maddison, however, just sat on the floor in her own little word as her two friends verbally sparred.

Maddison did not see the appeal in Bella Swan. She remembered her from when they were little: the only other pale face girl that made appearances at the Res. Sometimes the two would play, but it was only because of their common complexion, and not their common interests. Bella had always been a bit introverted and weird to Maddison, as well as the other Quileute kids and – in Maddison's opinion- she had never grown out of her awkwardness. She was older now, and Maddison could not deny that she had a simply beauty about her, but she was still awkward and introverted. She had glanced Bella Swan with her father at her house when her brother passed, and did not make any attempt to talk to the girl who was snuggled in the corner of her living room until all the people had left. It had been a passing glance, as Maddison retreated to her room, but the encounter left her unimpressed with the Swan girl after all these years, and she couldn't understand why someone as full of life as Jacob was drawn to someone like Bella.

"You know what, I'm going like this and I'm going to be the one that she notices! Not that stupid Mike kid."

Jacob's booming voice brought Maddison's head out of her reverie and her gaze to the tanned skin boy who was pushing his way past Quill and outside of the house. Quill glanced down at Maddison and gave her a satisfied smirk, causing Maddison to roll her eyes because she knew that it had been his plan to convince Jacob to make his move, and make it assertive, all along.

"We'll looks like it's just us." Quill stated as he helped Maddison up from her place on the floor and then threw his arm over her shoulder as he lead her through the Black house. "You wanna hang at your place or mine until we can get the end of the date scoop?"

Maddison threw a smiled and waved goodbye to Billy as the two walked outside the house. "Mine, we can watch crappy horror movies like we used to."

Quill groaned as the two started walking the direction of the Ellison household. "Only if we watch a comedy afterwards, you know I hate going to bed right after watching scary movies."

Maddison threw a smile up at her friend. "Jacob's retelling of his date should be enough of a comedy."

Quill let out a big laugh at the joke that Maddison had stated, knowing that it would most likely be true.

Paul and Embry watched as Quill and Maddison left the Black household not long after Jacob. Paul could feel his anger growing as he saw the boy's arm over his imprints shoulder.

Embry, seeing the hot tempered boy's expression, placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You don't tell her, she needs comfort and normalcy. They're just friends... Besides, we have a job to do."

Paul glared at Embry before turning his gaze back to the walking teenagers who were laughing. His glare broke slightly at the small smile on Maddison's face, one that had been missing for so long, and forced himself to take a deep breath. His fist unclenching, Paul nodded his head at Embry's words.

"Let's go make sure Jacob doesn't do anything stupid then."

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