Chapter Eight

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Okay so before I post, I just want to say I love y'all so much! The last chapter was literally up like two days and has already gotten so much love that it blows my mind because it had been a long time since the last update; with that being said here is a treat for y'all and there should still be an update coming this Sunday! Also, I will have to warn y'all that Maddison is an OC that is practical... her life is falling apart and I think a normal person will get worse before they get better so keep that in mind. She is not some weak, defenseless OC that wants to be rescued by a guy so – although you guys know that Paul and Maddison both have feelings for each other- circumstances do make this a slow burn!

Also.... I am currently writing like 12 fics because of my obsession with gorgeous people but  I only want to put an emphasis on ONE other fic so that I can GUARANTEE that I will finish them both! So, out of the stories on my page which would y'all like to see completed (I'm leaning towards Platonic or Redamancy myself) or who would y'all like to see a fic for becuase odds are I have at least an outlined planned for someone that I would be more than happy to start; okay enough blurb, here is the extra chapter! 


Chapter Eight:

Days of agony turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a month. A whole month before Maddison could even begin being recognized as the girl that she used to be. Jacob and Billy had been taking care of her, providing her with food when to dishes that people brought over after Poppy's death had long stopped coming. Maddison felt bad for her uncle, she truly did. It was hard for Billy to accept the fact that his sister was dead, and she had only stopped being selfish to recognize the bags under his eyes about two days ago when she decided to start to live again.

For a whole month, Maddison had spent her time between her room and her kitchen, with the occasional shower in between. The quite that encompassed the house was something she still hadn't got used to. Growing up, there was always noise from Poppy's mindless singing to Cason's loud antics with his friends... but now, there was just the silence that seemed louder than all of the noises that had ever echoed through the halls put together. That month was torture... not just for Maddison either.

For a month, Paul patrolled solely outside the Ellison household, making sure that nothing could harm Maddison even if that something was herself. He would listen to her heartbeats, make sure they were steady, and the second that it seemed irregular he would be headed to the Black household to make Billy or Jacob check on the girl. No one found it odd that Paul was watching over Maddison- Sam, Billy, and Jared knew the reason that he was being this way- but that didn't mean it was not painful for everyone else to watch Paul become almost as lost as the girl that was locked away from the world. The only reassurance Paul had that Maddison was okay, was that she would go to her window every night and look upon him in his cursed form. Her bloodshot and hollow eyes, haunting him every second of the day until he got to see them again at night.

However, Maddison was determined to change today. Billy's sickly look had shaken her out of a selfish stupor, and she realized that she had been pushing everyone away at a time when she should have been holding on the most. Quill came by and got a door slammed in his face every day for a month, Embry came for two weeks and then he stopped, while Jacob only ever saw her when he was brining over food from Billy or coincidentally showing up at the times when her mind went to the darkest places.

Putting a finishing swipe of mascara on her eyes, Maddison stared at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time in a month she was bathed, dressed, and presentable... yet she could not recognize her own reflection. She was thinner, her skin – which was already considered pale compared to her native friends- seemed especially pasty, her hair had grown about an inch yet it seemed even more limp and unhealthy than it had in a long time, and her eyes... The blue that looked nothing like her mother's but everything like her brother's, seemed to be permanently bloodshot from crying. Letting out a deep sigh, Maddison accepted her new appearance as she reached for her book bag next to the vanity and headed towards school.

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