Part 2

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I walk into Dallas' room and Dally says "The floor is pretty dirty so just sleep on the other side of me." In my head I was already screaming with excitement. Thank you floor!! I fluff up the pillow for me and sit down on my side. Dally asks me "When you said hi to me you sounded kinda choked up." I reply "Yeah I'm usually not smiling but something about this house makes me smile." Dally walks up to the bed and sits right next to me. "Ever been to jail?" He asks. "Once." I lied.. But I wanted to sound tough. He says "Yea I figured cause you have a serious look." He says to me "I don't wanna be rude or nothin' but the way your voice is, I just wondering if you're like one of those guys..." I knew what he was implying and I kinda felt a bit insulted although he was right.. My voice matches myself. I respond "Well I like guys but you can't tell anybody or else I might get picked on." Dally smiles "Alright. Well maybe you would wanna go out with me?" I nearly broke down in joy. I can't believe that Dally just asked me out! I didn't even have to give one thought about it. "Yes! I mean *Changes tone* Um yea that sounds nice." Dally laughs and puts his hand on my knee then asks me " Who did that to your nose?" I reply "Car trunk." and rub my nose. I start debating in my head whether or not to put my hand on top of his. I place it on his and hug him close to me. I think to myself  'This is the best night ever!'

I get under the covers and lay down facing the left. Dally walks to his side and lays down the same way as me. Dally wraps his arm around me and falls asleep. I thought to myself: Oh my god he is so cute! I have to take a picture to remember this moment forever. I grab my phone out of my pocket quietly trying not to wake Dally up. I put the phone to us and snap a quick picture. He looks so happy in it. I put it back in my pocket and snuggle up with him falling asleep. I start having a dream about us.

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