chapter five - demons

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"No matter what we are, we all still have our own demons to fight."

Scarlett's POV

I stared back at him, in fear and revelation, making my stomach churn uncomfortably. He could change his mindset within a millisecond. Having a past experience of terrifying Alphas, I knew they were, for the most part, extremely cruel. Was he treating me like this just because I'm his mate? If that's the case, I'd rather be treated brutally than be pitied on and treated with commiseration.

When the nurses came in, however, there was that void look on his face again. I could tell the nurse and the doctors were timorous when talking to the Alpha. It legitimately made me wonder how he treated his pack, that they were so afraid of him. It sent a chill down my spine and I shivered, but not because of the stinging cold. It was something else, a minacious feeling that made my mind swirl.

A thought hit me for a second. Was he Alpha Xavier? Rumoured as the leader of a ruthless, merciless pack, as the Alpha who killed anyone that crossed his path, and was believed to have no mate at all. Rumours always went around, that he was, no, is, a monster. He is the terrorising, feral beast in those stories that were used to scare the pack children, to make sure they wouldn't wander around alone in the woods. Anyone who entered his pack territory would be killed in an instant,and no one ever made it out alive to tell the truth. No one entered his territory and came out alive.

But the girls in my previous pack had gossiped about him; that he was incredibly gorgeous, and had power. In that pack, all they cared about, was power. After all, even the Luna wasn't the Alpha's actual mate. A mate was someone destined to be with a werewolf; his or her counterpart, and some had a bond so strong that, together, they were indestructible, invincible, or so I heard.

However, the pack I was in never cared about anything but power. The Alpha's mate died in a rogue attack, and he found someone else who replaced her. It was devastating, the phase he had gone through, but he moved on to someone else, knowing that it would give him even more supremacy over everyone else. That was what I hated about them.

Their thirst for power blinded them, and they couldn't see what they were doing wrong. I was a servant of the pack at a very young age, and had to help do everything in the house, because they couldn't do it themselves. They degraded me until I could no longer believe that I would ever make it out alive.

They say words don't hurt, but they actually do. It's just that we don't show it. Maybe we do. Perhaps, we don't. Either way, no one cared enough to look after the weak. How could I chase down the monster all alone when my soul was already murdered?

Snapping back to reality, Alpha Xavier and the doctor was talking about something. Although I had slightly enhanced hearing, I could only pick up bits and pieces, as the nurses checked up on my health and whatnot, though I know my life is slowly deteriorating away. I already knew what fate had decided for me, and that was death.

The hospital gown only managed to cover up all of my body above the knees, but three quarters of my legs were still exposed, with the thin, distinct scars littering my legs. Of course, the more reason to feel self-conscious. I shivered as the cold air pricked at my skin; the thin, translucent hospital gown not helping at all. Maybe I should have escaped when I had the chance.

The nurses worked quietly, although I could tell they were shocked, as they stared at me with sympathy. My arms were covered in wounds, old and new. Cuts and bruises were literally scattered among the entire length of my arm. They all gasped, murmuring to each other. Their whispers were a bit too soft for me to listen to anything, but the awkward tension in the room made it pretty obvious that they were talking about me.

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