Chapter 17

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The trouble with Millie was, you couldn't put anything past her. Both in terms of the fact that she knew no limits, and was completely ruthless when she had an objective in view. And also, that her brain was a strange grab-bag of genius and of madness, and there was no telling what she might draw out of it. It was usually fatal, to underestimate her. "Well, she's told me something," was what he conceded, to Dolly, as Millie reached into the cupboard and stroked the smooth contours of the huge transparent egg-timer. Well, that was what it looks like anyhow. "How far I can believe it or not, I'm not sure."

And Dolly gave him a slightly concerned look, blinking at him owlishly through comically old-fashioned round-rimmed spectacles, her pretty face every bit as round, doll-like as her name, with a brain you wouldn't suspect behind the romantical facade. "Your aunt has an eighty percent strike rate with her distinct innovations," she told him, very seriously. "It's quite remarkable, even judged against fully equipped R & D departments of much bigger international organisations. Even governmental departments. Even secret government departments. Even..."

"Yes, darling," his aunt said, patting her arm fondly, only looking slightly concerned at the wildly manic gleam that had appeared in her assistant's eye, messianic, devoted. "Everyone present is already aware that I'm a freak of nature, and that it's lucky I haven't been abducted and set to work like a trained monkey in a shadowy secret organisation. Yet."

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