Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my very first fanfic so please, no hate. Yes, the title of this story is one of the songs from the upcoming album, "Midnight Memories". I welcome any ideas, suggestions, and compliments. They're all done by me and edited by Diana. :)

**Enjoy! xx.


“Oh my gosh, Harper! I can’t believe this is really happening,” said Jessie, your best friend/band mate.

“I know right,” agreed Alex.

You were part of a girl band, Fifth Element, on your way to the VMA’s. Your band consisted of Alex (the oldest), Kathy (the serious-but-not-overly-serious-to-the-point-of-being-considered-uptight one), Casey (the lovable one), Jessie (the funny one), and you, Harper (the troublemaker).

 “I’m so nervous! What if I screw up and embarrass myself in front of millions of people?” Kathy was freaking out.

You started developing butterflies in your stomach as soon as Kathy said that. It was such an amazing feeling to finally be interviewed for the first time, after all the times you dreamed of being famous. You and your band mates imagined meeting celebrities and partying with them. But only you fantasized of talking to the crush you’ve had for about a year and a half- Harry Styles, from the British-Irish international boy band, One Direction.

“Harper, love, why are you so quiet? It’s so unlike you, babe,” questioned Alex.

“Huh? I mean, umm… What did you say?” You ask when Alex interrupted your train of thought.

“Love! See, isn’t it kind of weird of Harper? To be acting like this?” Alex asked the rest of the girls.

“Yup,” they all answered in unison.

You just laughed and looked out the tinted window of your limo.

“Umm, I think it’s just that it’s like, umm...” You paused, unsure of how to lie to them correctly. “I just can’t believe that it’s really happening, you know?” You managed to say.

 “If you say so,” shrugged Alex.

 If only they knew…

Of course they knew that you had a massive crush on Harry Styles, but since you didn’t talk about him that much, they just kind of ignored it.

Oh, how much I wish to talk to them about him! Especially about how I take forever in the bathroom because I read fan fictions of Harry, not because I take big poops!

But what scared you the most was the thought that if you constantly talked to them about Harry, they would tease and mock you. You had been bullied ever since you were in junior high school. The only reason it stopped was because you were offered a record deal along with your band mates when management discovered you in your high school talent show.

“We’re here ladies,” said John, the limo driver.

“Oh my gosh!! Here we go,” chimed Jessie.

The last thing you heard was Alex thanking John before the cheers overwhelmed your ears. You stepped out of the limousine to the amazing sight of fans frantically cheering for your attention, calling your name. Through contact lenses, you saw elaborate, multi-colored fan signs. One of them read, “We love you, Fifth Element! From your #1 fans!” Another said, “Harper, you’re my favorite! I love you!” This one touched her heart and stung your eyes a little. Management allowed you to stop, sign autographs and pose for pictures. This got you excited, for it was your favorite part.

You were then taken to the VMA’s backdrop, where the paparazzi took a variety of photos.

“Look over here please!” Someone screamed.

“Nice dresses!” Another one yelled.

“Thanks,” you replied with a dazzling smile.

Everyone laughed because the entire band was wearing Gucci’s 2014 Spring Collection.

As you walked towards the interviewer, you turned around to wave good-bye to your fans, but Harry caught your eye. You didn’t know what to do, even though you were supposed to be the flirty one.

Should I smile? Should I wave? Should I wink at him???

Harry smiled and turned around to talk to Louis Tomlinson. He turned around, smiled, and high-fived Harry.

“Oh, I saw that love,” Alex cooed. She was the only one you trusted with everything.

 “Oh, shut up Alex,” you laughed.

“Now I know why you were ‘not-yourself’ during our way here,” Alex teased, making little quotations in the air with her fingers.

“So,” MTV’s interviewer prompted, “Who is oldest and the youngest in the band?”

She was a tall, sleek blonde with smoky eye shadow and red lipstick. She seemed to be in her late twenties, probably early thirties, but gave of that sort of cool-aunt vibe. Her outfit screamed rocker-chic, slightly out of place but not enough to get weird stares, and you liked her instantly because she reminded you of someone you couldn’t quite place.

 “Alex is the oldest,” Casey started.

“And Harper is the baby of the family,” Kathy finished.

“Aww! The baby!” She gushed. “Okay, I know you guys are on a tight schedule, so I’ll ask what I know all the boys are wondering. Who’s single?” She asked with hushed enthusiasm.

All of you raised your hands.

“Wow, these are some lucky guys,” she laughed. “Okay, lastly and most importantly… Who are your celebrity-crushes?”

Oh no…

“Umm… I would have to say Brad Pitt,” said Alex.

“I think it’s Tyler Posey,” Jessie answered.

“It would probably have to be Cody Simpson,” said Casey.

“I’ll go with, uh, Ross Lynch,” Kathy stated.

“And you, Harper?” The interviewer asked with an arched eyebrow. “Who’s your celebrity crush?”

“Yeah, Harper, tell us who your crush is,” Alex insisted.

You were so going to kill Alex for embarrassing you.

“Umm... I think it’s probably… Harry Styles from One Direction?”

OMG! Did I just say that? Is he still around? What if he heard me???

“Aww, you two would make a cute couple! Wouldn’t they, girls?” She asked with a smile.

“Yup,” they all answered in unison.

OMG!! What just happened?! Do they think that we’d make a cute couple too?! And I that I thought it was only in my imagination!

Story of My Life ~ A Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now