1 | The Beginning

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Flames erupted to the sky like a raging volcano, bathing the burning village in red and orange hues. Smoke billowed wildly and freely, as they filled the lungs of the panicked villagers. Screams of agony and pain spread like the wildfire that was turning their homes to ash.

Parents grabbed their children before they could come to any more harm and strong, able men attempted to put out the fire, but it was futile. Nothing could stop the rage of the infernos from ruining everything in its wicked path.

Atop a faraway hill that stood firm over the village, there was a lone figure that cast an elongated shadow over the darkened skies that were stained red. The silhouette was clearly feminine and long hair could be made out as it spread out around her in the stifling winds - unfortunately, the winds did nothing to put out the fire, it only spread out more, devouring even more of the village.

The figure shook her head slowly, and a single tear fell down her cheek as she looked on at the place she temporarily called home.

She clutched the pendant that hung around her throat and sighed. Turning she felt a trace of bitterness in her heart, but she knew that there wasn't much she could do.

"It looks like I'm going to have to move on, again." And with that, she entered the forest and disappeared.

trees towered over everything as they reached up towards the sky and surrounded the narrow clearing that Yona and the others had chosen to spend the night.

The air was clean and calmed them as it inflated their lungs with fresh air. Owls hooted in the trees and a cool breeze could be heard as it gently blew past them. The rustling of blankets and the tireless work of putting up tents could be heard as they established their makeshift campsite. A cosy glow of the fire and the countless trees filled their vision, as they happily went about their business.

Zeno was strolling leisurely through the forest as he went to gather firewood. He was happily humming a tune to himself as he made his through, without a care in the world.

Snap. Thump. A sudden noise sounded - it was like someone or something, had hit the ground.

Zeno swivelled his head towards the noise and his ears perked up as he tried to hear something - anything else. But no further sound came.

Curiously, he walked to where he believed the sound had come from and was surprised to see that there was a young girl who had collapsed on the ground. Pale skin, long eyelashes that fell softly against her sunken cheeks, and long (h/c) hair that hung limply down her back. It wasn't easy to tell how long this girl had been travelling and why she looked like she did.

Her cheeks were flushed as Zeno gently touched her forehead and tore his hand away at the hot touch. His hand burned and that could only show how hot this girl truly was.

He couldn't just abandon the burning girl here alone and there was something familiar about her.

He placed the firewood into his bag that hung from his shoulder and gathered up the girl, drawing her into his chest. The slight movement caused her pendant to fall out of her clothes and the yellow dragon's eyes widened at the sight.

"Why... Why does your necklace look like mine?" With confusing thoughts running through his mind, he went back to where Yona and the others were.

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