3 | The Fifth Dragon

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The thought of her brother brought tears to her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall. The four dragons, Yoon, Hak and Yona stared in disbelief at the girl before them. In Zeno's mind, a girl's image flashed through it. Her features and her aura somewhat resembled the girl before him.

But that was inconceivable, that girl was long gone, and he knew it because he had witnessed her death. So why was she still alive so many years later?

Everything from that time had disappeared: the now three dragons' predecessors, King Hiryuu and the place that he once called home.

It was all gone and this girl, who he could only assume was (y/n), was supposed to be no more either. So why was she here right now? Why did she make him think she was dead?

Sadness and anger welled up in Zeno's chest and he fought to stop his emotions surfacing on his face.

The girl from before was the one he had loved, the one that meant the world to him and the girl before him now was nothing more than an empty shell of what she formerly was.

There was nothing now, and it was all too different. She was different.

The said girl clutched her necklace to her chest, her brave facade from before was slowly crumbling, and it was almost possible to see the girl underneath. However, that was over in an instant when (y/n) took in a deep breath and hardened her mind.

She elevated her head and her eyes locked with those of Zeno. A spark flew between them, and the feelings they had both long since buried seemed to have returned, but only slightly. Neither of them wanted to cave to the other and so not one of them would acknowledge it.

Ahem, someone cleared their throat, breaking the tension between the yellow dragon and the fifth dragon.

"So... So you're the fifth dragon? But wasn't there only four?" A tall man, with a strong build and black hair questioned.

"There were in truth four dragons, that were known to the public, the fifth dragon was kept hidden," Zeno answered before (y/n) could.

(Y/n) glared at him and added, "my brother was overprotective and didn't want too much attention to be drawn to me. In this way, nobody knew of my, the fifth dragons, existence." She rose to a sitting position with some help from Yona and she smiled gratefully at the red-headed girl. "At the time I wasn't bothered by it and was even thankful towards my brother for it. Life was leisurely and trouble-free. But it got boring fast, and that's when I met Zeno..."

(Y/n)'s gaze was no longer hard and visibly softened, as she glanced at the blonde boy and memories of the past invaded her mind.

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