4 | Memories Past

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"Royal brother, you have returned!" A girl with her hair in two buns ran towards the returning group that included King Hiryuu and the four dragons.

"I'm back (y/n)." Hiryuu chuckled at his little sister's actions and patted her on the head. A small smile illuminated her little face, and she turned to see the yellow dragon, Ouryuu, keeping a watchful eye on her. A small blush rose to Zeno's cheeks as he realised he had been caught, and (y/n)'s cheeks also tinted a rosy pink.

"It's wonderful to see you all safe!" She smiled at all the dragons.

They chatted merrily with the younger girl and then went to go about their own business.

King Hiryuu returned to the castle soon after leaving the yellow dragon and (y/n) to chat leisurely on the small hill.

Zeno was still stood on the hill that he and (y/n) had just been enjoying each other's company on before she had to return to the castle per her brother's orders. He turned when he heard someone say his name.

"Please show up at the soldiers' battle training grounds. Without their leader they grow lax...!" a lone soldier stood at the bottom of the hill and shouted up at the yellow dragon.

Zeno made his way down the hill and came to a stop before the soldier. "Even if I go, I can't discipline them like Hakuryuu can."

"You're more worthy of being their leader. Take care of them, okay?"

"Lord Ouryuu!" Someone called his name once again, and then boisterous laughter came after.

"Hi, useless." It was the first generation Ryokuryuu, Shuten. "It's not probable for you to train them, right? 'cause you don't even have power!" A mocking tone coloured his words.

"You discipline them for me then."

"Who would train a stranger's tribe?"

"That's low greenie." Another one of the dragons joined them at the bottom of the hill; it was Hakuryuu who was known as, Guen. "We're brothers connected by the blood of the divine dragons. Watch over him like an elder brother."

"Who're brothers?!" Shuten amplified his voice, and a grimace took over his face. "It's nauseating! We are strangers who drank the blood of the same dragon. My strength and might are the only things I can trust. Who cares about some weak dropout?"

"Its ear-wrenching," a new voice chimed in. "Your voice." It was Seiryuu, who was named Abi.

"Then I'll bust through your ear-holes with my spear!"

A little ways away, (y/n) had lost her chance to butt in, and could only watch as the four dragons argued. She had returned earlier after she had spoken with her brother and had wanted to spend a little more time with the yellow dragon, but once she saw the heated conversation between him and the green-haired male, she couldn't bring herself to interrupt.

She jumped a little in fright when she felt a hand on her shoulder - it was her brother, who had on a small smile. He held a finger to his lips in a 'shushing' motion and motioned her to follow behind him quietly. She obeyed his orders and gathered up her skirts before following behind her brother.

"Guen, Abi, Shuten, Zeno, you sure get along well." King Hiryuu walked over to the four dragons who paused their argument to bow in deep respect to their master. (Y/n) could be seen behind him and she was glowering at the dragons, Zeno excluded.

She knew how badly Zeno was treated because his power wasn't like the others. He had no combat power and seemed to be useless with regard to his power of the dragon. What she discerned was, was that they just didn't comprehend exactly what it was that Zeno held within him, and what he could do. She felt that the more she got to know Zeno, and the closer they became, she was slowly starting to find out.

So there she stood behind her brother glaring at the dragons and none of them knew the precise reason; Zeno had an accurate idea of why she was acting like that but chose to just let her be.

King Hiryuu didn't witness the look his little sister was throwing the dragons and laughed when he heard Shuten say, "does it look like we get along, you blockhead king?!"

"Fu fu! To me, you all look like cute dragons being silly around each other."

"King, go wash your eyes out." That was Abi.

"It's too premature for you to be going senile," said Shuten.

The king then looked at Zeno and noticed how disheartened he was, he also noticed his sister had moved slightly closer to the yellow-haired male and was shooting him sympathetic glances. "Zeno, what's wrong?"

"My king," he started and felt reassured, when (y/n) placed a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm not suited to command armies or be a troop leader. It should be left to someone else. Among the four dragons, I don't possess any power, either. I only get in the way on the battlefield."

"He said he got a strong body from Ouryuu, but that was a lie," Shuten sneered.

"He fell and skinned his knee just before this," snickered Guen.

"But my wounds heal fast!" protested Zeno.

"Your wounds heal fast?" asked Hiryuu.

"Yes! I heal right away when I'm injured. This is Ouryuu's ability."

"You youths heal quickly, anyway." Shuten rolled his eyes.

"It's different. I'm telling you to watch. Watch closely!"

(Y/n) realised what he was planning and tried to stop him, but he just patted her on the head and told her it was going to be okay. She didn't feel reassured, but she also knew she couldn't stop him. Zeno then preceded to smash his hand on a rock. Everyone gasped in shock, (y/n) more so than the others.

"Hey, now, are you okay? Your blee..." Guen held the younger male's hand and saw nothing there - no blood, wound or anything else that would show that Zeno had just hurt himself. "There's no wound."

"Amazing, isn't it?" beamed Zeno.

"Ouryuu's ability is only healing quickly?" Abi raised an eyebrow and looked unimpressed.

"Well, it's unneeded in our battles." Shuten shrugged his shoulders and tuned out of the conversation that was currently taking place.

"It's okay. Rather than an ability that hurts people, an ability like this suits me better."

Tears pooled in (y/n)'s eyes at the thought of Zeno getting hurt, despite him saying his wounds heal quickly. Hiryuu was thinking along the same lines as his sister and suddenly hugged Zeno.

After a while, he released Zeno and took off the necklace that decorated his neck and placed it on Zeno's own. "This was something the dragons granted me when I descended to Earth. I shall give it to you." King Hiryuu at this moment adopted a royal air and proudly looked at his yellow dragon.

"This is proof that I'll be with you forever."

(Y/n) went to her brother's study and entered the room when she was granted entry.

"Royal brother, there's something I would like to discuss with you."

"Yes, what is it, little sister?"

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