| Finale |

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"Brother, I want to start training my powers," the girl spoke bravely. She peered at her brother through her lashes, her loose hair hid the determination that was set on her features.

"What?" Hiryuu dropped the parchment in his hands and looked incredulously at his younger sister. He only saw the top of her head, but he could see how much she was trembling. "I can't permit that."

(Y/n) forgot herself for a moment and cried, "but why not?!" After realising how much her voice had risen she immediately bowed down and said, "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I forgot myself for a moment."

"It's fine." Hiryuu laughed away her rudeness and raised her head with his palm. "I know you want to get stronger and to discover more about your powers. But it's too dangerous. Your power isn't like the others, it's... Explosive. For now, it's best you stay hidden. One day your time will come."

"I understand." Her eyes turned sad, and she held back her tears as she reluctantly agreed with her brother. "I won't talk about it anymore."

With the last battle still fresh in his mind, Zeno brought food to his master, who was resting in bed.

Noting the king's appearance and how he had lost weight, Zeno moved closer to the bed. He smiled warily at the girl who was resting with her head against the covers and how her body rose with each slow breath she took. He guessed that (y/n) was tired from having to keep watch over her brother and take care of him. Of course, Zeno helped as well.

"I'm sorry, you're the one always bringing me food." The king laughed lightly and smiled at the yellow-haired male.

"No problem!" he hid his worries and spoke brightly.

"Today's meal is especially yummy! I'm looking forward to it."

He smiles even though he's sick and powerless.

The king and Zeno spoke about the other dragons and how grown up they were becoming.

Growing up is a good thing, isn't it? A good thing... I wonder why watching them grow up is so terrifying.

His fear must have shown on his face because King Hiryuu held out a hand to the boy. "Come here, Zeno... What's wrong? You're not your usual cheery self." Zeno climbed up onto the bed, careful not to jostle the still sleeping girl. "Is something worrying you? I won't be able to sleep in peace if you're like that."

"My king," Zeno began. "Does your body hurt?"

"Well, it's getting worn out. But that's due to my age." Hiryuu smiled. "I'm alright, my body doesn't hurt." When the king's words fell, Zeno's fear heightened.

"I don't get worn out. I don't catch illnesses!" He clutched his head in his hands; he didn't even notice when (y/n) woke up from his shouting. She stared at the boy in concern and reached out a hand to him, but it was something that would never reach him. He was too far gone. "It hurts when I get injured, but the pain goes away as if it was never there. I'm incredibly healthy and that's so terribly disgusting!!"

He leaned against the king and clutched at his robes, this time (y/n)'s hand landed on his back and she let him know that she was there for him. "Hey, just what is Ouryuu's power? Do you know, my king?"

A few days later, our king went to sleep... Without ever telling me.

They placed the king on an altar in the enclosed room and the Dragons knelt around where he lay. They each grieved in their own ways.

Was it because they lost someone precious to them? Or was it because the dragon's blood inside of them was crying for Hiryuu? They did not know.

Snow fell to the ground and covered the Earth in a blanket, giving it some sense of warmth. Snowflakes mixed with the Dragons' hair as they exited the castle for the last time.

"Hey, guys!" Zeno called out to them, waving his arm in the air. "It's a wonderful morning! Hurry up and go before everyone wakes up."

"It's cold."

"Wahaha. You've lost your youth, Ryokuryuu." Laughed the blondie.

"Shut it, you haven't changed at all!"

"Ouryuu, are you really staying in the castle?"

"I will stay here and protect the castle, so you guys don't have to worry."

There were people who voiced the doubts, but Ouryuu cut them off.

He held up the necklace Hiryuu had given him. "This dragon's crest was bestowed to King Hiryuu from the heavens and it was entrusted to me. Essentially, I inherited the King's will. I will relay to you the voice of the heavens. If you are devoted to the voice of the heavens,  your peace will not be disturbed. The ones who disturb it will receive punishment."

Sentimental words were exchanged amongst the four dragons, and then it was time to bid them goodbye. He waved them off and held back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Now let's go see how Princess (y/n) is doing." He stretched his arms above his head and went to where Hiryuu's body still lay, knowing that the girl was still by his side.

He shoved open the door and instantly shock racked his body.

"No!!" He ran to the girl and a loud clattering sounded out as a golden gauntlet rolled to the floor, a dark liquid seeping out and staining the floor.

He took her in his arms, the tears now flowing freely and falling on her pale face, her lips already blue. "(Y/n)! (y/n)! You can't leave me too!" he cried, his voice echoing off the stone walls. "Please, wake up!"

But she could longer hear him...

They both returned from thoughts of the past and the girl moved closer to Zeno, her hard exterior before completely shattered. She tried to take his hands in hers, but he took them away before she could properly grasp them.

"Zeno, I'm so sorry," her voice wavered as she pleaded with him to listen to her. "When I took that poison, I thought that would be the end. I was so distraught about my brother's death and thought that without him there was nothing else for me in this world. I loved my brother so much." She promptly broke down in sobs.

His gaze softened, and he gathered the girl in his arms; however, he was slightly hesitant. A part of him was still mad with her... For so long he had thought she was dead. And now she was in front of him, alive and partially well.

She then continued, her voice muffled from her face being buried in his chest, "my pulse had stopped, I was definitely gone from this world, but then hours later I jolted awake and realised that I didn't die. I was still alive! You were gone and I couldn't let my niece and nephew know I was still alive; it would freak them out. So I ran and hid, I've been to so many places and tried to find a place I could call home, but none of them felt right."

"You know what did?" she asked, raising her head so she could see his face - the one she had longed to see for so long.

"What?" Zeno shook his head and peered down at her. He took in her features and elation filled his chest where sorrow was just before.

"Being with you," she softly said, "being with you makes me happy, it has since we were young. Now that I've met you again, nothing else matters and we can move on... Together."

Zeno didn't know how to respond and instead brought her into his arms once again, feeling her familiar warmth. "I'm so glad you're alive, (y/n)."

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