Chapter II

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You had continued talking through most of the night. Until Dagur fell asleep that is. He told you about how he was chief of the Berserkers and was in the middle of this huge fight with his cousin, Hiccup, and his nightfury. Hiccup is part of a group that they call dragon riders. They are the enemy. At least to the hunters. You want to meet one, but them finding you isn't likely.

Dagur also said that they are moving camp a lot to avoid being found by said dragon riders. This excites you because it means finding new things. You could see the sun start to rise through the trees, so you curled up on the metal surface to try and sleep. You found that you couldn't get comfortable, so you shifted into your full dragon form. You were slightly taller than a human when you sat on you hind legs and your wing span was slightly larger than before. Your scales were the same color as your hair and (f/c). You heated the metal with your fire breath and curled up into of the warmed surface. Soon you were asleep.

You woke up to find that your cage was being carried by some of the dragon hunters through the forest. It took you a moment, but you realized that you were in a different forest. Which meant that you're probably on a different island altogether. You noticed Dagur walking near your cage and behind him were Vigo and Riker. You tried to look up to get a better baring of you surroundings, but the sun was to bright. Eventually you tried covering your eyes with your paws and then you tried using your wings. Both helped, but only a little. You then realized that the area around you had gotten significantly darker. You lifted your paws to see that Dagur and some of the hunters were putting a tarp over your cage to make it darker. You give him a confused look, but he just rolls his eyes and tries to ignore you. The tarp wasn't big enough to cover the entire cage. It stopped half way down on all sides and really only covered the top. Nonetheless, you were greatful.

After about five minutes you heard a hissing noise. The others heard it to and started pointing their weapons in every direction. You see a red dragon appear out of nothing on the tree next to you. Everyone pointed their weapons toward it. "Your majesty, were here to rescue you," it says in dragon. "How do you know who I am?" You inquired. "Your people sent us," it answered. "Us?" you questioned. Just then about five more appeared and started attacking the hunters. The changwing broke the lock your cage and started leaving. "I can't," you say backing up into the cage, "I'm doing this for my people. Right now you need to go. Act like your going to attack me and, when I give the signal, fly away. Hopefully the others will follow." The changwing did as you said and you let out a bird-like call. The changwing seemed afraid and flew away. The others soon followed. As they flew away the one changwing let our a call that seemed like a typical roar to the hunters, but you understood it perfectly: "We'll be back for you!"

The hunters put away their weapons and continued. They stopped when it was closer to sundown. You were still further away from the camp, but now you noticed that there were other dragons. When you asked why you weren't being put near them you were ignored.

Meanwhile, the changwings flew through the air trying to think of a way to free the princess. "What we need is one of those humans that are nice to dragons," one said. "Yes," another agreed, "A human would be able to convince her to go back to her people." The changwings were all in agreement except for one thing, "Where do we find a human that won't attack us?" They all pondered this for a moment before: "There!" One exclaimed. They flew down to the dragon and her rider.

The rider stood ready for an attack from the changwings with the dragon by her side. The changwings didn't bother to camouflage themselves. One went forward to speak with the silver dragon. "We need your help," said the dragon, "The Lycanwing Princess has been captured by the Dragon Hunters and, even though we had a clear escape, she wouldn't come with us. We think your human will be able to help."

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