Chapter V

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The beginning of your walk would've been considered quite boring had you been like every other person, but you weren't. Every sight, sound, and smell fascinated you and you couldn't help but investigate them all. It wasn't until you tried to chase a bird that had flown off that Dagur stopped you.

"Woah, wait!" he exclaimed, keeping you from flying after the small, winged creature, "You can't fly off." You pouted as you watched the bird fly away.
"But the birdy..." you said in a toddler voice. "But the scary men with poison arrows...," he responded, mimicking you.

You didn't really care about the bird, but you had nothing better to do, so you plopped down where you stood, crossed your arms and pouted.
"What are you doing?" Dagur asked, exasperated, "We've got to keep moving. We're still too close to the camp. Do you know how easily they can find us?"
"I can turn into a fire breathing dragon. I think I can handle some guys with pointy sticks," you deadpanned, laying on your back, your wings unfurled behind you.

"Okay, okay! Look, if we keep going, once we're far enough, you can fly all you want," he negotiated. You looked at him, confused.
"How do you know I won't just leave?" you asked, in full seriousness.
"I don't," he replied, turning away, perhaps to hide his face. You grinned.
"Okay, lets go." You jumped up and began running, pulling Dagur behind you.

Before long, you reached the far side of the island. You came to a halt, causing Dagur to fall behind you. In front of you was a steep hill that led to a hidden oasis. "We're far enough, right?" You asked, but without waiting for an answer, you took off. You made sure to stay below the tree line as you performed various aerial stunts, slowly getting closer to the water at the bottom. When you reached the water, instead of halting you dove right in.

You almost instantly regretted your choice; the water was completely freezing. You had forgotten that it was the beginning of winter and the world was getting colder by the day. You were never a fan of the winter. Being a dragon meant you were unable to sustain body heat, so you were cold unless you were in direct sunlight or next to a fire.

Cursing to yourself, you bolted out of the water.
"....coldcoldcoldcold cold cold cold!" You flew over to Dagur, wiping the ice-water off of your arms. After you had left Dagur he picked himself up and sat on a nearby rock, watching you dive into the freezing water.
"Cold?" he chuckled at you as you stood near him.
"Very," you responded matter-of-factly.

Shivering, you began ringing out your dress, drawing Dagur's attention to it.
"What's that made of?" he asked curiously.
"Um... vines mostly. Vines and animal fur," you answered, still shuttering, "We harvest the vines and strip them really thin so they can be woven together them we line them with fur." You gritted your teeth as you squeezed the fabric even tighter to get ever drop of the liquid cold out. You felt a disappointed dread set in as only a few drops came out. You groaned angrily, you teeth chattering as you did so.

Grumpily, you plopped down next to Dagur who looked at you weirdly. Your teeth continued to chatter as you hugged yourself tightly, but it made no difference. The fact that the rock you were sitting on was also cold didn't help that you were freezing your wings off.

"Alright stop joking around," Dagur said lazily, "It's not even that cold out." You glared at him through the corner of you eye.
"I'm not joking," you shuttered, deciding you were never going to go near water ever again.
"Haha! Its so funny that you're exaggerating!" Dagur said in his maniac way, starting to lose his temper, "Now stop it! We've got to start heading back."
You shrunk back when he snapped at you. It was all fun and games when he couldn't reach you, but up close, there were times when he actually scared you. Dagur seemed to notice, but didn't really say anything and instead stood up and began walking back.

After a moment you followed him, your legs shaking all the while. The silence that accompanied you and Dagur much more uncomfortable, almost guilt ridden. Neither of you spoke for a longtime, both of you thinking.

Something had changed between you two, and it wasn't a positive change. You replayed what he had said in your head, but his snap didn't make much sense. He seemed worried about you being cold, but at the same time it was very aggressive. A sad thought suddenly struck you: he had realized that he was becoming your friend. He was never supposed to be friends with you. You were his prisoner and that's all you'll ever be. You felt spiteful and angry with him for treating your friendship so carelessly. You quickly came up with a counter for his actions: fight fire with fire. If he didn't want to be your friend then who were you to force your friendship upon him?

When you arrived at your cage you were both relieved and disappointed that there weren't any dragon hunters wondering where you went. While you didn't want to plan some grand escape, it would've lifted your spirits to see Dagur get in trouble for letting you out. Not saying a word to Dagur, you strutted into your cage and nearly slammed the door behind you. You definitely weren't going to be the one to try and forget what happened. All you could really do was wait for an apology.

Hey look! You didn't have to wait a year!
Now that I have a direction for these next few chapters, they'll be posted a bit more frequently.

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