Chapter IX

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"And this is a very special lens," your father said, holding a small round object out to you, "When you shine a light through it, it will show you all of the duties of our ancestors."

You took the small object in your hands - it took both hands to hold it because they were so small - and admired the design. You held the glass to your eye, trying to see what your father was talking about. "I can't see anything."

"That's because you need to use the holder to see." He took the gem and placed it in a slot in the holder and held it out in front of you, "Use your fire to shine a light inside." You blew a gentle flame in the direction of the holder and an image appeared on the wall opposite of you. You let out and excited squeal and applauded yourself, "I did it!" Your father chuckled at you, "You sure did!"

"What does it say?" You were still learning how to read, so only a couple of words made sense. "Well, it lists the Lychanwihg Oath," he said, "Do you remember it?"

"I promise to serve and protect all creatures of the Earth,
From the Fire Worm to the Titan Wing.

I promise to serve as a bridge
between the Dragons and the Vikings.

I promise to protect the Dragon way of life and the knowledge too sacred for mortal minds.

I promise to protect my people
And above all
Protect my King."

Your father nodded, "Very good." He put the dragon eye in his pocket and scooped you up in his arms and he began to take flight. He carried you as he flew around the cavern; the people waved at you and you waved back. "Dad?" you asked, "Aren't you the king?"

"Yes, but no," he answered, "I am the king of the Lychanwings, but even I have to answer to the Alpha. He's the true king."

"Will I have to do your job one day?"

He seemed to think about it before answering, "Well... one day. When you are old enough, you will take the oath for real in front of everyone. And then you will be Queen and you will have to protect the Holder." You scrunched your nose, "The Holder is such a boring name!" Your father laughed, "I guess it doesn't translate very well does it?" "My first order of business as Queen with to be to come up with a more better name than the Holder," you said matter of factly. "I expect nothing less from the future Queen."

"Well, the current Queen wants to have supper before sunrise," you heard your mother say. You practically leapt out of your father's arms and rushed to you mother. "Momma! I made fire today! It was bright enough to light up the Holder! Look!" You demonstrated for her, producing a small flame. It wasn't as impressive without the holder to mamplify the colors.

"That's great (y/n)! I bet soon you'll be able to fly just as fast as your father too!"

"Of course she will!" your father said, "She's (y/n): the most powerful Lychanwing to ever live!"

Suddenly a loud shaking echoed through the cavern.
"My King! Vikings coming from the north!"

Without a second thought, your father flew off. Your mother took you inside your living space and told you to hide. That was the last time you saw either of them.

You must've dozed off while waiting for Dagur to return. It was dark out, so you naturally switched to your night vision. Dagur was nowhere to be seen. Didn't he say he would be back before sundown?

There was a crispness in the air and a layer of frost began to settle on the ground outside. The stone you had been using as a bed was well below a comfortable temperature. The cold season was beginning. It got cold much faster here than home. You vaguely remember something about the ancestral home being where it was cold most of the year.

Your stomach growled again. Sure there were some berries, but what you really wanted was meat. A nice big fish, or - even better - a sheep! You'd only ever eaten fish, sheep don't really live in your part of the world. Your stomach grumbled again. You needed to eat...

Dagur had begun making his way back to your camp. In his search, he found a waterfall with a cave hidden behind it with a nice aerial view of most of the island. Flowing freshwater, a good supply of wood and stone, and advantageous ground if ever found: it was too good to be true!

He began to wonder just his long you two would be stuck here. It'd already been a month with no sign of any other human life. Perhaps when you are full healed, the two of you could fly away and find refuge somewhere. But for some reason, Dagur didn't really want to leave. Sure, he still wanted to exact his revenge and reunite with Heather and possibly even find his father, but these last few weeks with you have been nice. He didn't really want it to end.

Something rustled in the bush to his left, pulling Dagur out of his thoughts. Then to his right. Something was circling him. 'Wolves?' he wondered. No. There was only one and it was bigger than a wolf. It had to be a dragon. It sounded like it had a limp, stumbling through the brush. Maybe he could outrun it! Make it back to you, and you could tell it to go away!

He broke out into a sprint. Bad idea. Dragons can fly. 'It too late to change my mind!' He kept running; the den was close. He rounded the final corner and saw the den in the distance.
"Y/N! A little help!"
No response. The den was empty. Now he was trapped. Realizing he was cornered, he grabbed his knife he had in his waistband and turned to face the beast.

A dragon about the size of Hiccup's nightfury landed in front of him, bathed in the light of the full moon. It seemed familiar.

They stared each other down and the longer he stared, the more familiar it seemed. The (f/c) scales, the large wings, and the piercing (e/c) eyes. It had to be her!
The dragon remained defensive. That's when Dagur remembered what happened on one of your first nights together. On the night of the full moon, your animal instincts had taken control.
"(Y/N) it's me. Dagur. You remember me. We got away from Vigo together. And we've been living in this cave. And it's been kinda... nice."
The longer he talked, the more at ease you became.
"Having someone around who treats me decently without being threatened to has been really... um..." Even though he knew you probably wouldn't remember, it still make him feel strange to say all of this.
A low growl came from you, but it wasn't your voice. "Oh! You're hungry! Why didn't you just say so?!" He began to rack his brain for a way to feed you without provoking you. That's when he remembered seeing a herd of wild yack.
"You know... I saw a bunch of yack just on the other side of that hill. Maybe you eat them instead?"

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