We Meet

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Joelle's P.O.V
" Mr. Marks left you the layout plan for the next project, if you can take a look at it and then bring it over to his office that would be great," Nova , Mr. Marks personal assistant directs me over the phone and I tell her ok before hanging up.
I've been working at this company for about 3 months now and have not said more than 15 words to this man.
He doesn't look up and he doesn't care about your presence unless you're sleeping with him or gaining him money.
I'm in the advertising branch of "Mark It" and I love it because it not only keeps me away from him as much as possible, but I honestly do have a love for persuading people.
Now as I'm walking over to his office to give him a previous layout I was told to look over, I'm hoping that he's too occupied with other things to realize that I basically told him that this plan sucked as bad as the last. I don't know much about Mr. Marks, but I do know he has no creativity and that definitely shows in his advertising tactics.
" Here you go sir, I put some comments on the side for you," I smile as I put it on his desk and thank goodness he doesn't find the time to look up.
" Thank you, I want the other one checked by tomorrow," he demands and I nod. Sometimes I wish I could just tell him to stop giving these black and white advertising pitches for me to sell and let someone with at least an ounce of creativity come in and add color.
" Will do," I say as I turn out and I can see one of his new " love interest" coming to his office to find some attention. He's a man with money and looks, so it doesn't surprise me that women are always coming in and out.
Yet again, another terrible idea is laid out in front of me and at this point I'm thinking about just making my own. How hard is it to make something that people will even be remotely interested in.
" This is the third idea that you have shut down," a male voice says as it approaches my office and I look up to see Mr. Marks standing in front of me.
His navy blue suit compliments his brown skin well. He fills it out nicely with his toned muscles flexing as he crosses his arms. His brown eyes are staring at me with questions that I've been waiting to answer.
" Yes and it's about to be the forth," I smile gesturing to this layout and he looks at me for a moment.
I just pulled my dark brown hair into a messy bun because it kept getting into my face while I worked. My make up is light on my mocha skin and this dress I put on all of a sudden seems too tight or maybe him burning his eyes into me just knocks my breath out.
" Why aren't they meeting your standards," he finally speaks and I keep smiling, trying not to acknowledge that this was the longest conversation we've ever had.
" I honestly feel as though they're just boring sir, people are bombarded with advertisement everyday and I just don't feel like what you've showed me stands out," I admit and his eyes are still piercing into me.
" Come to my office at 3 o'clock so we can talk on a plan,"he says curtly and then walks away with out even hearing me say ok.
I guess this is what I wanted, right?
I get to his office at three on the dot and he looks up quickly.
" Have a seat, I have to finish signing these papers and then we can start working," he calls and I nod as I sit down across from him.
" pull the chair around so that we can both see the sheet," he says after putting his other papers away and I nod.
" So what parts did you like," he starts by asking and I just turn around and look at the papers.
" I think it's best if we just start fresh," I proclaim and he nods.
" Creativity is not really my thing," he admits and I nod, that's obvious.
" Why not hire someone," I ask and he looks at me as if he's considering the idea for the first time.
" You're hired, your pay will be double of whatever you get now and you have the status of advertising manager," he starts and I look in confusion.
" I didn't even apply for this, how do you even know you will like what we plan," I ask and he shrugs.
" If you can criticize bad, I'm sure you can do better," he explains and I just ignore the comment and get to work.
" I feel like if we played on the companies name, people would remember what they're watching," I begin to speak and I can feel Him looking at me from the side of my eye.
" Why did you take your hair down," he asks lowly and I look over to him.
" I only do that when I'm in my office working so my hair can stay out of my face, I know it's not the most professional look," I begin and he stops me.
" I find it rather appealing on you," he compliments and I smile.
" Thanks," is all I say before I begin speaking again.
" The name is so clever that the logo should be something catchy, but also long lasting. We don't want to have to change it every year," I continue and he nods.
" How long have you been working here," he asks and I look over again.
" About 3 months," I say lightly and he nods.
" Interesting," he says lowly and I start talking once again.
" I like the color pattern in the first layout you showed me, I just think it's in the wrong order," I begin as I sort out the colors and he looks over to me.
" What about the M, I kind of like that," he asks and I look back to him.
" You liked the other boring layouts too, is your house design this boring," I ask and immediately regret it.
I was about to apologize, but then he starts laughing. Landon Marks is laughing and I caused it, I'm impressed.
" I guess you're right," he answers and we just go on with changing the look and trying out all different shades of colors.
" I have to admit, this looks more exciting than my house," he smiles at the finish project and I laugh.
" I have to agree, it is nice," I smile. He looks over to me again and it almost seems as if he's assessing me like this is our first encounter. Well, this kind of is.
" Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow ms. Parker," he smiles and goes back to his desk work.
" yeah, ok see you tomorrow," I respond before turning to leave.
Now I'm seen as someone who can make him money, so I'm becoming an interest.

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