Meet Him

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Joelle's P.O.V.
"What's going on with you," I ask Landon as we get to my house. I've been talking to him all day, but I feel like nothing's getting through. He looks up to me almost as though he's anxious and I know whatever it is has to be bad because nothing gets him off his poker face.
" Just tired, I had a lot of meetings today," he breezes over and I grab his arm and search his vacant eyes.
" You have a lot of meetings everyday," I call and he nods. He's not telling me something and I need to get it out of him.
" Is this about Layla, you can talk to me if you want," I probe and he shakes his head.
" Landon, how can I trust you if you're keeping secrets that are getting you all worked up. Just say it, if it's something between us then it's best to tell me," I inquire and his face quickly turns to anger.
" Something between us? Like what, me cheating on you? You think I would find another girl that drives me as crazy as you, that makes me want to hide stuff from her because seeing her hurt would break me. People don't break me Joelle. If I'm hiding something from you, it's because it's best for the both of us," he calls and I glare, but I'm not convincing because what he's saying went straight to my heart and not my head.
" I'm not some type of fragile object Landon, you can tell me if it concerns me. I deserve to know," I growl and he looks up to me and his eyes drop from anger to anxious again.
" He's looking for you," he states flatly and I hitch my breath. I can't say I'm surprised because I knew he'd find me, but this soon?
" You're following me so I won't be alone when I see him," I demand as pieces start to be put together and he looks up to me.
" He's a problem," Landon responds and I can't help but agree with that.
" He's a problem that will eventually find me. I need to approach him," I admit and Landon shakes his head.
" So he can try and take you back he's," Landon starts but I cut him off.
"I'm not going back," I say hardly and he sighs.
"'Not willingly, " he retorts and my eyes flood with emotion.
" Don't, please," I say pleading with him and his eyes are searching me.
" We will handle this, together," he calls and I sit down.
      " You coming face to face with him will just make things worse," I admit and Landon takes what I say in one ear and throws it out the other.
" We will meet him together," he demands and I glare even though in the back of my head having him stand by me will give me the comfort I'm longing for.
" he's," I start and Landon cuts me off.
" Someone I can't wait to meet," he retorts.
Landon's P.O.V
I don't know how I planned on this going, but this definitely wasn't it.
I'm in a hospital room with Joelle's ex boyfriend in front of me. I'm in a hospital room with Joelle looking stunned at his nearly cold body.
I'm in a hospital room in silence because silence seems to be the only answer.
" He was looking for me because he was dying," Joelle finally speaks and I look over to her with my emotion drained because I don't know what to feel, I don't know what she needs me to feel.
" Don't start feeling guilty, he couldn't of expected you to run to him willingly after all that has happened," I demand and she's staring at him.
" I'm all he's ever had," she calls and I just let her speak." He may not even know I'm here. He's going to think he died alone," she breaths out and I look at his body.
" He knows you're here," I call and she looks at me with hope. I'm giving her hope at the expense of a potential lie. Looking at this guy, his body is lifeless. The cancer has overtook every healthy part of him and he's fighting a battle that may be too late. Joelle may have been too late.
" He knew you'd find him. He's here at this hospital because he knew you'd find him here," I demand and she looks almost convinced.
" He use to look so strong," she states and it's more to herself than a comment to me.
" He use to have this intimidating feel that instilled fear into the toughest of guys. Never in a million years would I think I'd find him weak," she claims and I look at him. Everything in me wants to hate him because no matter how bad his life is right now, it couldn't seem to repay the pain he put Joelle through. But , she cares, she wants him to be okay and I can't deny her those feelings.
" Even the toughest have weak spots," I answer and she comes closer to him.
" You hurt me and I still care. I care that you leave in peace, I care that you know I forgive you. I care that you know despite the bad times, there was some good. You had problems no one could seem to fix. Problems I couldn't take you letting out on me anymore," she whispers to him and my mind is clouded.
Her heart is so big that she sees the man who nearly beat her to death laying in a hospital bed and the only thing she wants him to know is that she forgives him. She forgives him when there was no apology.
" If anyone in the world knows how big your heart is , it's him. He knows that you wouldn't let him leave alone. Don't let this mess with your head," I call and she nods before kissing him on the cheek and then walking out of the room.
" You have every reason to be here, but if she wants you to go in peace, so do I," I sigh and then walk out of the room.
" I won't see him again," she calls and I watch her carefully waiting for her to break.
" I won't see him again," she repeats and a tear falls. I grab her before the other one falls to her cheek.

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