Find Someone

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      Landon's P.O.V
     I'm not sure what I should say. I know she doesn't want sympathy, she never does. She tells me this stuff because she wants me to know it and I don't think we're both use to having someone that just listens.
      " I'm sure it was his loss," I say once I get close enough to her to see her reflection in the mirror.
      " You loved her," she says as if this is something she knows and not something she's asking.
     " You loved him," I respond and she puts down the windex.
        " This wouldn't work Landon," she proclaims and I sigh.
" Why not, we understand what this is," I proclaim and she looks at me as if I'm crazy.
" What is this," she asks and I regret saying the one thing I don't have an answer for.
" This is two adults learning how to get over the past," I explain and the answer actually makes a bit of sense.
" Two adults that are about to make things way more complicated than it needs to be. If we sleep together, I know to me it will mean way more," she answers honestly and I grab her waist.
" Just because I said I don't believe in love, doesn't mean I can't feel something ," I state and she looks up to me without moving from my arms.
" I don't want someone that's not capable of loving me," She says heavily and everything in her eyes is telling me she wants me to prove her wrong. She wants me to tell her that if she gives me time I might fall into the feeling, but I have enough feelings to know that's probably not true and she deserves that.
      " You're beautiful, even a blind man would know that. Your heart is something that's hard to find," I begin and she's absorbing every word.  " I have never been this open to not sleeping with a girl right away. I enjoy your company and I don't want to lose this," I admit and she turns to me.
      " Landon, you  need to find someone that's okay with not falling in love, I'm not that girl. We should stay friends and even that is a bad idea. You're my boss," she proclaims and that word floats over my head.
    I'm her boss, that's another layer to the " can't sleep with Landon" cake. If I got one night with her, one night to show her what she's missing. I'm sure she would reconsider this friends with benefits idea I'm proposing.
      " Joelle, be honest with me," I say lightly as she starts to lean against me.
     "  That's all I've been with you," she claims and I look at her for a moment. She's beautiful. Her hair smells like roses and her body against mine feels the closest thing to right.
      " Have you ever considered my offer," I ask and she looks at me silent and for a minute I think she's about to yell at me to leave.
     " You're a handsome womanizer, at least that's what I thought. You have more of a story than people know and when I took the job I tried to do everything not to know more about you. I have a tendency of only seeing the parts of the story that look good to me. So, to answer your question. I have because I went against myself and found the side of you that I can latch on to," she says completely honest and I'm kind of taken aback.
     " Plus, hanging out with you helps me realize that you're not that handsome," she jokes and I tickle her side.
       " Now that's a lie," I laugh and she smiles at me.
      " I can't believe I chose to come over here," I joke and she drags me in the living room to watch a movie.
     We ended up watching some sappy movie "A Walk to Remember." She cried the whole movie and it gave me a free excuse to hold her, so I'm Not complaining.
     " I get to pick the next movie," I say as I go through the movies and select " The equalizer".
      " You're lucky I like this one,"'she smiles even though she falls asleep with her head in my lap about ten minutes in. I take a moment to stare at her sleeping face, somehow it's cuter than when she's awake. She looks so innocent and her lips are parted just enough to let her breaths move in and out.
     " Joelle, I'm about to go home," I whisper and when she starts to whimper, I regret waking her up.
     " Huh," she says as she wakes up and I get hard just looking at her body rising up as she rubs her eyes.
     " I'm about to go home," I say again and she pouts.
     "Don't be sad sunshine," I joke and she's awake enough to slap me.
     " I'll see you at work tomorrow," I say kissing her forehead and she lets me out the door.
    This girl is about to change my views on a lot of things.
The next morning I get up to go to work. My suit is laid out once I get out of the shower and my coffees made once I get to the door.
" Sir I was wondering if I could leave a little early, the bus broke down around here so I have to walk," one of my workers at the house proclaims and I look over to her from the kitchen.
" I don't want you walking late, the house is pretty clean all I need is a couple things here and there. I'll have one of my drivers take you home," I explain and she nods before getting to work. She has worked for me for years and I didn't know she was taking the bus. I'll have to make sure I have a driver to take her home each night, she's such a nice lady and makes the best cookies.
" Thank you so much sir, I hope I didn't inconvenience you," she says lightly and I shake my head.
" You're fine ms. Lockett have a nice day," I respond with a wink and she smiles sweetly before she goes back to cleaning.
I am bombarded by work that has piled up over the weekend every Monday morning I come in. I get myself another cup of coffee before heading over to Joelle's desk. I can't seem to start working until I see her face.
" Good morning Joelle," I smile as I lean into her door frame and I see her gleaming up to me.
" Good morning Mr. Marks how are you this morning," she greets and there's a spark in her eyes that lets me know she's aware of how much this formality irks me.
" Mr. Marks," I repeat and she looks at me.
" We are in the work place, formalities are not to be forgotten," she replies and I can see the smile playing on her lips.
" You can't pick and choose when you want to be my friend," I joke and she laughs.
" Yes sir," she answers and her smile is lighting up the room as I walk in and put both arms on her desk.
" Landon, I like when you call me Landon. I don't care if everyone in this office thinks we are sleeping together, we know that's one of my dreams that won't become true. These people don't matter, so it is an order to call me Landon when we speak. Understand," I demand and her eyes get this lustful look that makes me want to pin her on this desk.
" Yes sir," she winks and I look at her with as much passion in my eyes as in my pants.
" Now that that's clear, I would like to see the recent plans you have been working on, swing by my office at three," I instruct and she nods trying to keep her eyes off the bulge in my pants.
" Yes sir," she smiles mischievously and I have to leave before I lean over the table and kiss her.
Sitting in my office moments later, I start on some work so that I can have time for Joelle when she comes. The weekend seemed to have brought a lot of cash and a lot of problems. I'm reading layout after layout as hours fly by with meetings that last too long coming into the mix. I finally get back to my office to finish up one of the contracts when I see my door fly open.
" You look stressed baby," a woman's voice caresses, but it isn't the woman I want.
" Tara, I'm busy," I say curtly and she looks at me for a moment as she locks the door and closes the blinds.
" Too busy for this," she says as she starts walk closer to me and my eyes stay glued to her face.
" Tara," I breath out heavily as she gets closer and my mind is racing with conflicted thoughts.

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