ten ten ten

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About a week later, I find myself in the library again, in the same spot I had been the time Ginny spotted Draco staring at me. This time, Ginny sits next to me again, but I don't need her to tell me he is intently watching me. His legs are up on his table, where his books aren't even open. In the past week, Draco has been going more and more out of his way to be overly nice to me, abusing his prefect-ness to get me to be nice back, and spending more and more time winding me up, even just by staring shamelessly at me in class. Somehow, he is also spending more and more time on my mind.

Ginny looks up and curiously follows my line of vision. "Malfoy again?" she groans. "He's actually obsessed with you."

I shake my head and sigh loudly, trying to return to my studies. The sigh must have been very loud, however, as it is at once mimicked from across the library. I glare at Draco, who smirks wider than ever.

Ginny snaps her book shut, drawing me back to attention. She looks at me sceptically. "I'm done my homework," she says. "Do you mind if I leave?"

"Uh, sure Gin," I say dazedly. "I can't keep you here forever."

Ginny walks out, shooting apprehensive looks back at me as she does so. I glance back at Draco, who gives me a smug wave. Just then, Madam Pince passes him and smacks him on the head with a magazine, reprimanding him for resting his feet on the table. Unashamed, he gives her a charming smile and stands up to stroll away – right towards me.

He waits until he is right beside me to speak. "Free seat?"

"Actually, that's saved," I say, staring at Ginny's empty chair in refusal to look at him. "For, um. Neville."

Draco sits down at once, one eyebrow tilted in amusement. "I'll leave when Longbottom's here then."

"He'll, uh-" I look up at him, at his pale grey eyes and white-blond hair that flops into them today, trying to gather my thoughts. "Neville will be here soon. "

Seeing straight through my lie, Draco snickers. His eyes crinkle up at the corners. "You're all talk, Young, you know that?"

A loud "shush" ensues from the other side of the room. I glance at Madam Pince, who is glaring at us.

Draco is still looking at me. His eyes skim my neck. "The necklace looks great on you," he whispers. When I don't reply, he moves closer. "I knew you'd like it." He cocks his head. "But you know, you're betraying your own self by wearing it."

"How so?"

"Because I know you. It doesn't matter how much you like the necklace. If you really hated me, you wouldn't wear it."

"You don't know me," I say. I should probably look away from him - break eye contact, at least. But I can't.

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Well." He smiles. "I'd like to know you."

I stare at him, speechless. He is deathly close to me now, and I want to move away; I really should, but every nerve in my body is screaming. I'd like to know you.

"I told you, Belly," Draco continues. "You're all talk. You wouldn't wear the necklace if this cold front you put on was real."

I respond with a jerky shake of my head. "People are looking," I mutter.

His smile grows. I can't help it - I look away, stare down at my book. He bobs in the edge of my vision; eyes deviously sparkling. He whispers, "So you don't deny it."

"I never said that."

He sneaks closer. "Say it then." His lips brush against my ear as he speaks, sending shivers through my skin; like when someone touches you in a ticklish spot but it doesn't tickle; it just feels weirdly arousing.

I twist my head to get him off, but he stays in close proximity.

"People are looking, Malfoy," I repeat shakily, even though the only person on my mind is him.

"Is that so?" If I move any further away from him, I'll fall off my chair. My heart is pounding.

My voice is weak. "Yeah."

"And why should I care?"

"Because-" I mutter, trying desperately to avoid his touch. "Because you don't- I mean-"

"Yes?" He places his fingertips on my arm, and bolts of electricity shoot through my veins. I don't want to want him, but I do, and it's unbearable.

"Malfoy," I say, warningly.

He places his lips near my ear again. "Yes?" he murmurs.

With that, I snap up out of my chair, stumbling as I do so. Draco watches as I gather up my books, a lazy smirk painted across his face.

With his long legs, it takes him only several steps to catch up with me as I briskly walk out of the library. The blood pulses through my veins. I can still feel where his fingers were, red-hot on my skin.

I turn out of the library, into the deserted corridor. His footsteps echo mine, and my unsteady breaths sound loud in my own ears. I focus my eyes on the end of the corridor: just two rights and a left until I get to the Gryffindor common room. Two rights and a left, and I will completely avoid whatever I so want to do-


He sounds like he isn't smirking anymore. I ignore him; if I turn around I'll surely break. I'm practically running now; away from inevitable disaster.

"Hey, Young."

Draco grabs my hand – the sensitive part between one's thumb and forefinger – and with that, I crumble.

I spin around and kiss him on the lips, hard, as I have wanted to do for so long. After several long, breathless moments, I feel him grin, and pull me closer.

It is incredible. It's better than anything I could ever have dreamed of – just him, and me, and us, and nothing else matters.

"Draco," I mumble, and at that, he pushes me into the nearest stone wall, kissing me harder. I realize it's the first time I've ever called him by his first name.

When he kisses me, it just feels right. He puts his hands in all the right places and moves in just the right way. No one has ever kissed me like this before.


And with that, the moment dies. I groan and sink my forehead into Draco's chest. No no no why why why-

"Malfoy!" Ron is storming at us from the other end of the corridor, at an awkwardly far distance. Draco stares at him, unabashed. It's only when Ron get close that I snap to attention, as I realize he's going to try hurt Draco – and Harry isn't here to stop him.

But in this situation, would Harry have stopped him?

"MALFOY," roars Ron, now near enough to whip back his arm and throw a punch. Draco dodges him by millimetres, but Ron keeps going. He's furious. "Malfoy – what – the – hell – do you think you're doing?"

Draco clenches his jaw, annoyed, and I can tell he's on the verge of fighting back.

Ron throws another punch. "You can't just kiss her like that, what the-, you can't just-"

"Ron!" I shout, pushing him away, hard. He pauses to look at me in confusion, his chest heaving. Draco moves cautiously behind me, ready to protect me if needs be. I stare at Ron. "You talk about it like I'm some kind of doll, like I'm not able to act for myself," I say, a lump building in my throat.

Ron's face started to turn very red. "I-"

"This is my fault, not his," I say.

His face falls, and I feel an awful pang of guilt. I turn from Ron to Draco, realising the weight of what I have just done.

Draco stares at me, but Ron gapes. He takes a step back, and my heart sinks. "You kissed Malfoy?"

I gulp, and don't reply.

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