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just so you know this is cheesy af & also pls vote if u like it, hunny bunches




The next day, I wake up early and dress quickly. Before I can think twice, I march straight to the Owlery, clutching in my hand a letter I wrote last night.


I've told you this already, but I mean it now.

You're really going to have to stay away.

Please, go back to hating me. It's better like that.

Not bothering to sign my name, I fold the parchment and attach it to one of the school owls. As I watch him fly off into the morning air, I am torn. Do I want him to stay away? Yes. Do I want him to kiss me again? Also yes.

Just then, something shuffles behind me. I whip around, feeling guilty. Hermione is standing by the doorway, looking utterly unsurprised to see me here. I haven't had the chance to talk to her since the kiss, but I'm sure she's heard. Everyone's heard.

I move closer to her. "Are you angry?"

Hermione makes a sound of disbelief. "Am I - of course I'm angry, Isobel. I don't know what you were thinking."

I turn away disappointedly. I'm not sure what I was hoping her reaction would be, but it wasn't this. "I'm not quite sure myself," I mumble, but it's almost a lie.

"I mean, it's Draco Malfoy," she continues, but her tone isn't angry; more confused. "I thought you hated him, we all did-"

"I – I did," I say miserably. "He's... I don't know, he's different."

She gapes at me, incredulous. "Different? Is he not the same person that's tormented us all since first year?"

I shake my head. "You don't understand," I say quietly. "When I'm with him, he's - there's just so much more to him. I'm not sure I understand either."

Hermione furrows her eyebrows, clearly flustered. "But it's Malfoy, for heaven's sake."

"I know." I shake my head and turn to stare glumly out of the Owlery window. "It doesn't matter now anyway. I've sent him a letter." I laugh softly, acknowledging the stupidity of it all. "It won't happen again."

"That's probably for the best," she says gently. She shakes her head. "Isobel, you might feel all of those things right now but you have to think straight for a second. If you date Malfoy, it'll change everything... Think about us. There's few people in the world that Harry hates more than Malfoy and-"

"Okay," I say angrily. "I'm sorry, okay? It's not like I went through the list of people Harry hates and picked one to-" I break off. "To kiss. I'm sorry. I didn't plan it out like this."

Hermione looks doubtful. "Do you trust him?"

The owl is long gone, and I wonder if Draco has read the letter yet. "Yes, I trust him."

Hermione pauses, a moment too long. "Ron seems to think that maybe – just maybe, he's trying to get information on the DA out of you."

My jaw drops and I swing around to face her, furious. "You think he's using me? You don't think I'd be able to tell?"

"No, Isobel, I-"

"I'll have you know he hasn't mentioned a thing about the DA, not a word. And if you think-"

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