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How do I make you come back to me?




When I arrive at Platform 9 ¾, the place is buzzing with an exhilaration I haven't known in months. The scarlet train stands gleaming at the platform's centre, and excited chatter fills the chilly September air around it. People give their parents hasty, impatient hugs and stand on their tiptoes, desperately searching the crowd to find their friends. But I seek one sole person: Draco Malfoy.

Draco, who betrayed me by yelling out in Umbridge's office three months ago. Draco, whose father has now been locked up in Azkaban thanks to my friends. Draco, who hasn't replied to a single one of my letters all summer.

After scanning the entire platform for a white-blond head to no avail, I sigh and turn to my parents. I tug my bag closer over my shoulder. I'll have to find him later.

"Isobel," says my father, and from his tone I know instantly what he's going to say. "I'm just going to tell you one last time. Please stay away from the Malfoy boy. He's bad news, you know that."

I sigh. "So you've told me, Dad," I reply. I've managed not to mention that I haven't heard from Draco all summer. "But you've never actually met him, have you? Hey, at least I'm not dating Lucius."

My dad chuckles, but my mother's eyes widen. "That's not funny, Isobel."

"It's just a joke, Maggie," smiles my father. "Although," he adds to me, "if anything like that ever does happen, I pray you don't tell us."

I snort. "Don't worry about it." Without meaning to, my eyes flicker over to the swarm of people again. Where is he? "There's more to life than men, anyway."

"I'm very offended," says my dad, but his smile is wider than ever.

My mum zips up my bag where it has fallen open over my arm and checks my trunk. "Are you sure you've got everything?"

"I'm positive, Mum."

She checks the time, looking worried. It's normal for her to be stressed on days like these, but today she's taking it to a new level. I wonder if it's anything to do with Draco. "It's nearly eleven," she says. "You should get on the train."

I give her a hug. "I'll miss you guys. Love you."

"We'll miss you more," my dad says, as I hug him too. "The house is so quiet without you." Then he frowns. "On a serious note, Isobel. I really don't want you hanging around that boy this year, okay? It's your own choice and we can't stop you. We wouldn't want to stop you from doing anything, but-"

"But here you are," I say, stepping back, and my suddenly cold voice surprises me. "I'm old enough to take care of myself now Dad, but thanks for the relationship advice."


"Forget it," I say, turning away to hide the hurt in my eyes. "I'll see you guys at Christmas."

I hurry to the train before my parents can stop me and haul my trunk on board. The screams and hugs of other students around me makes me self-conscious as I set off down the corridor alone, but it only takes a few minutes before I find the compartment I'm looking for.

Behind the glass door sit Harry, Luna and Neville. After the whole Ministry thing, I know they don't like me much anymore, but I can't help having missed them. I offer them a small smile as I push open the door. "Hi."

"Isobel," says Harry, startling me by jumping out of his seat. "I'd like to speak to you. Do you mind?"

He ushers me into the corridor and I turn, confused. What could he want to speak to me about that can't be said before Luna and Neville?

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