Chapter 1- Bella: Revelation

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Bella: Revelation

Five years it's been. Five years since everything was almost cruelly taken from me. My life-force nearly snatched away in the hands of greedy, blotted, self-righteous bastards. Five years since my darling Renesmee was brought to me. Time passes by to quickly for my taste. Leaves fall, friends leave and yet time never stops. Slowly stealing moments from us till we have nothing else but to look backwards.

That's how I use to think before he came into my life. Edward. No other name sounds so sweet in my ear as his, not even my daughter's. I still shiver at his lightest touch, still tingle with desire as he dress. I will never out grow him.

Today, as many days were in these years past, was so serene and peaceful that I couldn't help but think all this to myself. Renesmee, sitting at my feet as I delicately braided her hair into a crown at the top of her head. Edward, sitting across from me, telling our daughter all the wondrous tales of his family, our family. Jasper, with Alice's head in his lap, silently tracing the patterns on her silk skirt. Emmett and Rosalie, cuddling on the love seat, thinking no one can see them. Esme and Carlisle, sitting in two adjacent chairs, combined at the wrist. Jacob, on the ground next to Nessie, just staring into her face.

Everything blissfully, beautifully happy. I lowered my shield to share my happiness with my husband.

Can you feel it? The complete perfectness? It's clinging in the air.

As he always did, Edward gasped slightly when my otherwise silent thoughts flooded his mind. He faultered in his story of the Sahara Desert to smile at me. Nessie mockingly glared at me.

"Momma, how will he every finish the story if you keep surprising him with your thoughts?"

I chuckled to myself as I continued to braid her hair. Nessie was the size of a fifteen year-old. Her hair was down to the top of her thighs and the faint flush never escaped her cheeks. Especially when Jacob was near and listening. Me and Edward weren't supposed to know yet. However, a mind-reader as a husband does have its perks. They were closely approaching their third month anniversary. Everything seemed as if in a fairy-tale.

The thing about fairy-tales, they always visit the dark-side.


A soft knock was heard at the door. I looked up expectantly at Alice to see who it was. Her eyebrows were lifted high, almost to her hairline, and her mouth was screwed in a small scowl. Confusion played across her and Edward's features as she swiftly stood and leaped to the door. As the door swung inward, a light breeze entered our home. It smelled of lilac and buttercups, an unfamiliar scent. As all of my family's onyx eyes drifted to the door, Alice stuck her head out and perused the area in search of the disturbance. She was about shut the door when a stream of wind blew through it and the sound of rustling paper was heard.

A note was taped the door. The scent playing off it was the same as the unfamiliar scent before. Alice lifted it, lightly, from its place and glanced at it. Apparently hearing something from her mind, Edward stood and glided over to Alice. He relieved her of the letter and stared at it intently. Finally, in a whisper, he turned to me.

"Bella. It is for you, love."

I quickly finished off Nessie's braid and strolled over to Edward. I gazed down at the letter to check for myself. Across it, in beautiful script writing, was my name. I took it from Edward and went back to my seat. The paper was thick in my hand, more a type of parchment. I sliced through the paper and glue with my thumb nail to open the letter. The paper inside was as much, the same material. The same script writing danced on the page as I unfolded it. The note was no more then two sentences, but those two sentences cut deep.

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