Chapter 7- Bella: No Where

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I stealthily followed the gleaming white Cadillac as it steadily took different roads closer and closer to the highway. I dreaded it. The trees surrounding the back roads were nice and thick to hide in and not be seen. When they reached the highway, it would be tougher to keep an eye on them as the go along side thousands of cars at seventy miles an hour. I tried to get a look into the car to see what was going on between Lexi and her 'boyfriend,' but the windows were tinted and were pitch black at this time of day. As all this ran through my mind, a secondary part kept tabs on how Edward followed. I made sure to never let him get to close, for I knew that he would force me home and tell me to never think of Lexi again. I couldn't. She was my daughter, a product of Edward's and my love for each other. Anything coming from that must be protected and cared for. It was to precious.

 Suddenly, the Cadillac pulled on to the highway and into a herd of minivans, convertibles, jeeps, and mustangs. Most of which were white (of course). My time for the next 5 minutes consisted of follow one car and suddenly realizing it wasn't them. Only until one car pulled away from the rest did I notice they were in it. They were steadily pulling to the left most lane giving me a poor view. As I sprang to the next tree in line, I formulated a plan to see them better. As I tested my foot on the tree, I heard Edward suck in a breath as he learned my plan through inferences. I didn't give him any time to react. I placed my foot flat against the trunk and launched. Doing a somersault in mid-air, I watched as the car passed under my arc. The front windows weren't as tinted as the back so I was able to see into the driver seat a little through the reflection in the side mirror. I almost toppled out of my perfect arch. Sitting in the front seat with my beautiful baby was Alec, repugnant little Jane's brother. The worst part was, our eyes met in the mirror. I saw him and he saw me. As I past out of his view a smile twitched on to his lips.

 I caught a branch on my target tree just before I hit the ground. I was to much in shock to care if I fell on my butt, but I had a feeling the authorities would fined it suspicious to see a dent in the ground. Edward jostled the branch as he landed and helped me from my hanging position. His eyes were wide with worry and confusion. My tongue was to heavy to form the words. Hefting my shield away from me, I thought in incoherent words.


His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to understand my thoughts. I replayed the revelation in my head for him to make him understand. His hands gradually squeezed mine harder and harder. It finally reached a point when it began to hurt. I pulled my hand out of his iron clad grasp and watched his fingers fold in on themselves to form a fist. A hiss escaped his lips as his hands curled. It was one long ceremonious note. I was still to oblivious with horror to realize as we were sitting their in shock, Alec was in the car right now with our baby. My eyebrows furrowed as I pushed out my shield and breath simultaneously to catch Edwards attention and talk to him.

Edward! Car! NOW!

The hiss broke off and he nodded in agreement. We pounced through the trees looking for the gleaming white car of doom. After 9 minutes, I had found multiple white cars but none of them were it. As it began to seem like we had lost them, Edward hissed and almost soared across the highway to the exit. The sign read Exit 77B Allenwood. The town didn't ring any bells of importance but Edward was intent on the merging road. His voice in one continues hiss but his lips forming words. As we descended the trees surrounding the exit, I realized he was telling me why we were going this way.

After an unsuccessful attempt at searching for the car, he had begun pouring through the minds of the drivers looking for any indication that they had seen the car. He finally found what he was looking for in the mind of a soccer mom driving a deep red minivan. She had admired the car but had steered straight into jealously when she saw the age of the driver (Alec). She began thinking numerous insults as they turned off the exit and down the off ramp. Edward had seen in her mind that this was not a very populated area so we abandoned the trees and started running on the asphalt. We followed the gaseous fumes of the car for miles.

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