Chapter 2- Danger

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A sound like a blown pipe echoed through the room as everyone of family hissed in unison. I felt hurt. How could they think I couldn't handle myself with my own daughter. I handled myself with Renesmee. I handle myself with Charlie and Sue everyday. Why couldn't I do this to?

 "Do you honestly think it would be that bad if I met her?"

 Edward registered that I was talking and went to sit beside me.

 "It is not that, Bella," he whispered, "It is that, we do not want you to..." He trailed off as he stared into my face.

 "You don't want me to what...?" malice rising in my voice as I spoke. If I was still human, I think I would be red as a tomato, "You don't want me to kill her, drink from her, what!? What makes you so sure I would even do that!? What makes you so sure that you're more of a danger to her then me!? Half the time, I'm the only one who seems to keep a cool head when blood is even mentioned! What makes you so..."

 Superior to me.

 I switched my rant into thought as my voice reached a pitch which, I imagine, would be quite painful to Jacob.

 I've done everything exactly the same as you! Sometimes even better! Don't try and tell me I don't catch you looking at one of the kids at school, wishing you could just sink your teeth into them! I've done it to! But I don't act on it! I've seen you even following some of them! I! Should! Meet! Her!

 I stared intently at Edward as our silent exchange continued. With each exclamation point I stated in my mind, Edward grew smaller and smaller till he was almost non-descriptive in his chair. The others waited patiently as all was silent. Carlisle finally broke the spell.

 "What is she saying?"

 Edward breathed a heavy sigh. He straitened up and turned away from me.

 "Bella is just making some very good points about why she should be able to meet Lexi. And, after hearing that diatribe, I have to agree."

 Everyone's eyes opened wide and stopped breathing. My eyebrow disappeared into my scalp.


 "Really! So I can only see my own daughter with your permission," My upper lip curling as I studied his serene face. Edward sighed at my sarcasim and went to continue speaking.

 "Yes," he finally breathed, "But, I recomend that we should still wait a little while."

 "Recomend!? More like forbide me to go to her without your precise permission even though she is my own daughter and is my flesh and blood!" my words grew sharper with each breath. I half expected to see blood trickle down Edwards face as my words cut through him.

 "Love," he began, trying to make me understand, "We only did it for your own good. We were pretty sure you could handle yourself around Renesmee beacuse we could. But, Lexi, she was more human that any of us could imagine. Jasper even had a rough time controlling his thoughts around her."

 My dangerously black eyes sought out my brother-in-law and glared at him. He stood his ground, even with Alice trying to push him behind her. I felt a wave calmness at the edge of my emotions. I fought it and pushed it away. I wasn't done yet.

 "Even so, you still should have told me!" I was not allowing him to win this argument. So many had fallen in his favor during my human years. Now that we were equal, I was evening the score, "You didn't think I would mind not ever meeting my daughter!? Even with Nessie here, you still should have tried to tell me! In fact, Nessie being here makes it all the more reason as to why! You saw I could handle myself! You saw that I'd never hurt her! You could have told me and avoided all this! And you want me to wait a 'little while'! She may not even have a little while!"

Everyones eyes flew to my face as if the meaning of my words were etched into my cheek. I glared at each of them in turn as if to challenge them into saying I was wrong.

"What do you mean by that?" Edward asked. His eyes boring into my to discover my meaning.

My breath exited my body in a huff as I gracefully stood and strode over to the sliding door that led to the backyard. I quickly opened it, walked over the threshold and disappeared into the forest. Following the familiar smell of Edward, Renesmee, and my scent. The color's of deep green's and soft brown's flew by me. I felt so free running after all the hostility in the room. I felt like I just wanted to never stop, but I had to focus. I was on a mission.


 I slowed when I came to the smell of roses and smoking wood. Entering our cottage, I looked around the room to make sure everything was in its place. Fire crackling, books opened, Edward's piona reflecting the soft light. As I was satisfied with the presentation of the room, I left it and sped down the hallway. I quickly entered mine and Edward's bedroom and climbed the shelves to a particular box. Snatching what I needed into my hand, I hopped down and raced home, leaping early at the river. I walked in on a stunned scene that hadn't moved since I'd left fifteen seconds ago. I gently laid the piece of paper beside the current one and sat back down.

There, in the same beautiful script writing, were the words:

I so look forward the meeting the new Mrs. Cullen.

Edward and Alice gasped as they compared the two notes and Rose buried her face into Emmett's shoulder.

 "Don't you see? We have to protect her. To make up for the time we spent not doing so." My eyes shooting daggers at Edwards direction.

 Edward nodded in resignation.

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