i hope no one is expecting this to be good

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Patrick tries to shut down the club idea as soon as he can.

It doesn't work.

Andy then tries to convince Joe to shut down the club idea.

That doesn't work either.

So that afternoon, Pete, Joe, Brendon, and Gabe run to the front office, with a reluctant Patrick and Andy following. Andy is in charge of giving Patrick and Pete a ride home, and keeps the spare house keys to Joe's house in case Joe leaves his at home (which happens quite often. Like today).

High school clubs should be fairly difficult to start, especially since it's mid-November and they're all in junior year. But because this is a crappy school in the middle of nowhere, all they have to do is fill out an application form, submit it, and viola: club complete!

So, bam. The application form is returned on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, The Paranormal Observational Troop is formed, with Pete being the President, Brendon being Vice President, and Gabe and Joe being the first two members. Patrick and Andy join as honorary members, and at a grand total of four "official" members, the club was off to a promising start.

Then they lit the football field on fire on Thursday.

And now they were in the principal's office.

...This club thing is going less than well.

"Peter Wentz," Principal Johnson says, frowning down at Pete. Pete does his best not to squirm, but Principal Johnson was built more like a wrestler than a principal; one wrong move, and he could probably body slam you into the desk.

"Yes, sir?" Pete replies. It's safer than saying Please let me go, sir, or Dear god, don't call my mom.

"Honestly, how many times have I seen you all in my office this year?"

"Twice," Pete says, just as Gabe says, "four times," and Joe mumbles, "none." Brendon just stays quiet. They all look at each other for a moment, slightly baffled, and Principal Johnson just sighs.

"I don't want to punish any of you," He begins.

"So don't," Gabe mutters, and Pete kicks him.

Principal Johnson ignores him. "I don't want to punish any of you, but you have set fire to our football field. And that's not just something I can let go."

"Principal Johnson," Pete says as respectfully as he can. "Sir, I understand that we, as a school, greatly value football, and I can assure you that we didn't mean to burn it. Our club activities just-"

"This was a club activity?" The school principal raised his eyebrow. It kind of looks like it's trying to escape.

"Yes." The four boys say in union, and Joe starts talking. "Mr. Johnson, the Paranormal Observational Troop does not simply 'set fields on fire', as you have put it," He explains, using uses air quotes. "We, as a club, simply believe in observing the presence of phantoms and spirits, and we prefer to do it the traditional way."

"You were holding flaming sticks." Principal Johnson notes.

"It's difficult to buy torches," Joe replies without hesitation. Gabe and Pete nod. Brendon barely moves.

Principal Johnson looks amused. His anger has melted, but only slightly, and Pete knows better than to think they'll get away without punishment.

"I'm not sure this is a serious club." Principal Johnson admits.

Wow, Clubs Are Hard to StartWhere stories live. Discover now