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Chapter 5

"You're covered in glitter." Mikey says, like he didn't notice Pete's staring and Andy's dying animal noise. Pete tries to pull himself together.

"Glitter is fantastic," He replies. Mikey's gaze sweeps over him, taking him in from his head to his sparkly, red toes.

"It is." The other boy says. He has the same brown eyes as Mikey, but whilst Mikey had blonde hair, this boy's hair was inky black. He extended his hand. "I'm Gerard Way, Mikey's brother."

"Pete Wentz," Pete says, taking his hand. "Gabe's, uh..."

"Boyfriend?" Gabe supplies. Pete snorts.

"You wish."

Gerard laughs, but Mikey is still staring at Pete and because he is stupid, Pete is staring back. Gerard and Gabe move away from them to talk to the other four people, introducing themselves and asking about the glitter. Dallon explains that Brendon is still showering. Joe says that Brendon is still in Pete's bed after "last night". Pete throws a can of glitter at his face.

When Pete turns back to Mikey, he says, "I assure you, Brendon is not my boyfriend." It's a phrase which he uses surprisingly often. After a moment, he adds, "Gabe is also not my boyfriend. Or Patrick. Or-"

Mikey raises his hand, laughing lightly. "It's okay. You don't have a boyfriend then?"

"Nope. I am very single." Pete answers too cheerfully. He winces at his tone. "I sound way too excited over that."

Mikey laughs again. "Same."

"Is that a same to being single, or like...?"

"Are you hitting on me, Pete Wentz?"

Pete is very obvious. He is also very red, but he's ignoring both of those facts right now and says, "I'm just asking a question, Mikey Way."

Mikey just shakes his head, amused. Pete wants to keep talking to them, but Brendon walks out of their house and throws his arm around Pete. "Can we start the initiation process?"

Please don't start the initiation process, Pete thinks, but unfortunately, Joe hears and yells, "LET US START THE INITIATION PROCESS."


The Initiation Process wouldn't be that bad. It's really just sitting still while Joe or Andy paints your nails.

While Pete and Dallon serenades you with Nicki Minaj.

Pete really hopes they don't have to go through this Initiation Process for when they recruit members for POT, mostly because a) his voice is shit, and b) they'll lose too many members if they even try.

Dallon is actually a decent singer, but when it comes to the Initiation Process, he wails like he's being stabbed. Pete thinks he might actually stab Dallon for agreeing to continue this initiation.

Joe is painting Mikey's toes, and Andy is painting Gerard's toes. Gerard seems very happy to have his toes painted black, but Mikey seems more amused to be staring at Pete, raising his eyebrow when Pete attempts to hit the high notes and grinning when Gabe and Brendon wrap themselves around Pete and Dallon, doing what Patrick likes to call "stage gay."

"Hot," Mikey mouths when Gabe breathes down Pete's neck. Pete feels himself blush, barely able to choke his way through the rest of Super Bass. Joe seems to be enjoying his discomfort, constantly glancing up and chuckling.

The only person who looks mildly concerned for Pete is Patrick.

This lasts about an hour.

"Are we done now?" Pete asks, his face burning by the end of the eleventh song, which is Moment 4 Life.

"Do you not like dancing with me?" Gabe pouts, putting his chin on Pete's shoulder. Pete turns his head so their noses are touching, smiling.

"You're really grabby, Saporta." He says. In response, Gabe wraps his arms around Pete's waist and bumps hips. Pete giggles back, turning his body and wrapping both arms around Gabe's neck.

Joe clears his throat. "Please don't have sex on Pete's carpet."

Pete frowns at Joe. "Don't you want a show?" He pulls one arm down from Gabe and lifts up the edge of the shirt.

"I'm worried about the children." Andy replies before Joe can. He hands Gerard the nail polish container and walks over to Patrick, covering his eyes. Joe then proceeds to cover Andy's eyes.

"I think you should worry about their ears." Gabe leans over and licks Pete's neck. Pete fakes a moan, making Gabe grin triumphantly. "Wentz is loud in bed."

"Are you sure you aren't dating?" Mikey asks, and Pete blurts out, "NO."

Gabe looks half offended. He untangles himself from Pete, and Pete mumbles something like, "Mon amour, return."

"Too late." Gabe says flatly, wrapping himself around Brendon. "Beebo loves me more than you."

"That's true." Brendon agrees. He licks the side of Gabe's face. Gabe kisses him on the cheek.

Pete doesn't exactly know what to do anymore, so he just goes and sits down next to Mikey.

Mikey smiles at him. He wiggles his toes, which are sparkly and pink, and Pete says, "That's a nice color on you."

"Thanks." Mikey says. He glances up, watching Gabe, Dallon and Brendon dance. Gerard is grinning. "Your friends are really cool."

Pete sighs. "Just wait until you hear about POT."

"Pot?" Gerard asks excitedly.

"POT." Patrick repeats, much less excitedly. He starts explaining the whole situation, along with setting outside on fire, the deal with Principal Johnson, and the lack of members.

"And you started this?" Mikey asks, turning to Pete. Pete nods and shrugs. "In that case, I'm in."

"I'm not." Gerard says happily. "Good luck with that, though."

With how the member recruitment was going, they were going to need all the help they

could get.

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