yooooooo my physical health is improving and i can do things without crying

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"Ryan!" Someone shouts, and Brendon grimaces just as Ryan's face lights up with recognition.

"Luke!" Ryan calls back. He walks towards through the dancing crowd towards the blonde boy, who's wearing a blue flannel and tattered jeans. Around his neck is the acorn necklace (he's still wearing it with pride,) and Luke looks very pop punk, except for the shiny golden squirrel pin he's wearing.

Pete still remembers the last time they interacted. He's sure that Luke remember too, but Luke smiles pleasantly like he's glad to see them.

"How have you been?" Ryan asks after they bro-hug. Pete looks over at Brendon, who's genuinely scowling, and choses to pull him away. The rest of the POT club members have dispersed to God know where. Pete can see Gabe grinding with someone to the new Melanie Martinez song, Mad Hatter.

Pete's starting to think that the music is the only redeemable part of this party. He'd usually be with Gabe by now (it's been what, ten minutes since they've arrived?) and all he's done so far is mope around looking for Mikey, and occasionally glancing at the girl with short turquoise hair setting up equipment on the stage.

"I knew we didn't have to come early." Brendon grumbles. He leans against the wall and Pete turns him slightly so he's not staring at Ryan sadly.

"We're not early," Pete replies, but Brendon's not really listening. They both look around, Brendon's eyes constantly flicking back to Ryan, Pete's eyes noting the silver badges on everyone's clothes. Luke's badge was gold. Maybe it has something to do with ranking?

There's subtle things to distinguish the clubs from each other. For example, the choir kids are all wearing a ribbon bow around their neck, even the guys. Most sport's teams have either worn their uniform or jersey. And, of course, the squirrel club all have their little squirrel badges. It's not quite like school, though, because the groups are mingling and talking.

Well, we did paint our toenails, Pete thinks to himself. Even if no one can see, we kind of match.

The room dims slightly, most of the light directed towards the stage. A pink haired boy is sitting at the drum set, and another guy wearing a floral button up is at the piano (Pete can't decide if he's nerdy or kind of endearing), but before anyone can yell at them, there's music playing and floral button-up guy starts singing.

"I know where you stand... Silent in the trees," Floral guy sings, and Gabe weaves his way through the crowd, grinning.

"Who are they?" Pete shouts over the music.

"Why won't you speak where I happen to be?"

"Some boys from that private Christian school," Gabe yells back. He grabs Pete hand and starts dancing.

"Silent in the trees, standing cowardly."

Pete doesn't move for a second. He's just listening. Gabe's hand warm and wrapped around his wrist. There are people swaying and tossing their heads to the music. There are people with drinks sloshing in their red plastic cups, getting drunk on party life and the energy of other people. Pete just takes it in for a moment.

"I can feel your breath. I can feel my death. I want to know you. I want to see."

For one weird moment, Pete thinks of Mikey Way instead of Gabe, and wonders if Mikey will be here to watch over Gerard, or if either of them are here at all. Gabe's hands are slightly dry and rough, not like Mikey's soft, slender fingers. Pete just wraps his arms around Gabe's shoulders and they sway back and forth with the rhythm.

Luke's voice is somehow heard above everyone else's when everyone shouts, "I want to say hello!"

When the beat drops, everyone starts bouncing up and down slightly. Gabe is swaying his hips, moving Pete as much as he can, and it draws a smile out of Pete. They make it further and further into the crowd, and soon Pete is laughing and dancing like they used to at the nightclub, his arms linked around Gabe's shoulder, Gabe's hands pressed into his lower back.

"How does everyone know this song but me?" Pete asks when the second verse starts.

"The Squirrel Club think this is their anthem," Gabe says. Then he laughs.

"What?" Pete asks.

"Nothing." Gabe's smiling. "Just like dancing with you. Also, Brendon is dancing with Joe."

They alternate between slow dancing and party dancing throughout the song, not really letting go of each other. Not even when the song ends, and the two boys on stage start another song. It's nice to dance with Gabe, and it's been a while since they've danced like this; without talking, without anyone watching, without any sexual subtext. Just linked.

Then Pete catches a glimpse of blonde.

He doesn't wait until the song ends. He lets go of Gabe, mumbles an excuse to leave. But Gabe won't have it.

Blonde hair. Then white rimmed glasses. He never replied to Pete's text, but Pete can go apologize for whatever he's done wrong. Yeah. That's what he'll do. Pete starts to make his way to the crowd, his eyes not leaving Mikey, until Gabe grabs his wrist to drag him back.

"Where are you going?" Gabe shouts. He looks hurt. The band starts a new song.

"I messed up with Mikey," Pete says. He turns his head back to wear he saw him from before. Mikey's still there. Talking to the girl with turquoise hair.

"I ponder of something great. My lungs will fill and then deflate..."

Now is not the time to appreciate good lyrics, Pete thinks to himself. But hey, the band is fucking good.

Gabe doesn't seem to notice the rapping at all. "Mikey?"

"Yes, Mikey." Pete doesn't mean to sound exasperated. He doesn't mean to cause more hurt in Gabe's face either, but his voice sounds tired and Gabe is still there, his face barely visible in the neon lights, but still slightly broken nonetheless. "I'll be right back, okay? I just need to talk to him."

"You won't be right back," Gabe snaps. "You never come back."


"You never come back," Gabe repeats, but it's not making sense to Pete. How can he 'come back' if he never left?

Instead of asking that, Pete just says, "You're not making any sense."

Pete turns to see if Mikey is there, and maybe that's his mistake. For not taking Gabe seriously enough to stare at him. Because Gabe's fingers start to dig into Pete's wrist and Pete wants to snap at him.

"Cause somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence!"

"You only care about him," Gabe says. "You only care about him, and it's like I don't matter and-"

"Of course I care about you." Pete interrupts.

"But not enough." Gabe says. He practically deflates as his anger leaves him. "It's not enough and-"

"I'm forced to deal with what I feel. There is no distraction to mask what is real."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Pete really doesn't. Mikeyway. Lyrics. Gabe.





"I like you." Gabe says. Slowly. Carefully. He stares at Pete. "I like you and I've been here all along, but you don't notice and you don't care about anything but him and I- I... I like you. I love you. Please don't go to Mikey."

Pete stops thinking. "Wait, what-"

Gabe takes both of Pete's hands and holds them. Gabe's hands are shaking, but he takes a deep breath.

"Pete, I love you. Don't go to Mikey." 

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