i'm posting from the dead nothing can save the world from my trashy 2yo fanfics

210 31 9

"Pete, we should get going," Andy chimes when the credits for Age of Ultron starts playing. Pete blinks twice and glances at the clock; it's only half-six, and their curfew is at eight, but everyone's left, and Andy probably wants to prepare dinner for his mom.

Still, Pete's reluctant to get up. He has Mikey next to him, and they aren't intertwined, but they're arms are pressed together. He mumbles something like, "Yeah, okay," and prepares to get up.

"You can stay longer," Mikey says. Netflix automatically plays the next movie, so he turns to pause it, then patiently waits for Andy's answer.

"I kind of need to get home," Andy replies quietly. "I'd stay longer, but my mom might be working late, and I'm Pete's ride, and-"

"Gerard and I will take him back." Mikey offers. "I can walk you to your car, though."

Andy glances at Pete, and then Mikey. Maybe he thinks Pete actually has a chance with this guy, or maybe it's how Pete doesn't move from Mikey's side, but he says, "Sure. See you guys tomorrow?"

"Bye, Andy." Pete says. He smiles. "I love you, Andy."

"I love you too." Andy replies, and Mikey walks him to the car. Pete scrolls through the movies, waiting for the blonde boy to return.

Pete's phone has two texts, both confirming that everyone's home alive and safe, so he replies, telling Brendon and Patrick he's still with Mikey. The phone chimes a few seconds later, and he's about to reach for it when Mikey returns, smiling, looking slightly damp.

"It's raining," Mikey informs, and then goes back to sitting down, pulling two blankets off the couch and wrapping one around Pete. Instead of picking a movie, they just scroll through the selections.

Pete gives up and hands the remote to Mikey. He puts it to the side, and yeah, maybe Pete's being stupid, but he puts his head on Mikey's shoulder and says, "Frank's really short."

Mikey scoffs. "You two are the same height."

"Really?" Pete hums. "He's like, four feet."

"Well, I wouldn't be that generous."

"Like three feet eight inches?" Pete muses. "I could step on him."

"I was thinking three and a half." Mikey says. He pulls off his own blanket to share the one with Pete. They fumble around for a bit, and Mikey wraps one arm around Pete's shoulders. Pete presses his face against Mikey's neck. Not because it's like, romantic or whatever, but mostly because Pete doesn't want Mikey to see him blushing.

"So you do think he's short." Pete finally says.

"Oh, yes." Mikey replies. "You're both fucking tiny."

Pete gasps in mock offense. He would glare at Mikey, but he's quite comfortable, his head leaning on Mikey's shoulder, enveloped in the other boy's warmth. So instead he just says, "Language, Mikeyway," And closes his eyes.

Mikey chuckles. They don't say anything, but Pete is focused on the rise and fall of Mikey's chest, the tapping of November rain against the windows, and how Mikey smells like cinnamon and jasmine. It's a weird smell, but Pete's warm and comfortable and not in any mood to complain.

Pete puts his legs over Mikey's so he can lean sideways into him. Mikey moves so both arms are wrapped around Pete.

Pete tries not to freak out.

Pete freaks out anyways. But only in his head.

"I know your sniffing my neck." Mikey mumbles, but he doesn't sound particularly upset. Pete's phone chimes again. Neither of them move.

"You smell like fall, Mikeyway." Pete asks. "Well, you don't smell like a pumpkin. That wouldn't be as cool."

"So you're saying you wouldn't like me if a smelled like pumpkin?" Mikey shakes his head. "What do you have against pumpkins, man?"

"Nothing, you pumpkin rights activist. You're the one who sounds offended."

"I'm offended you're being stupid," Mikey says, and Pete turns his head so they're nose to nose, and moves his arms so they're looped around his neck.

Pete's grinning. "If I'm so stupid, why are you here?"

Mikey rolls his eyes. "This is my house."

"No," Pete says. He leans in closer, and whispers, "Why are you here with me?"

"That..." Mikey closes his eyes. "...is something I'm wondering, too."

Pete thinks he's about to kiss him.

And then Pete's phone starts ringing.

They don't move for a moment. They stay there, linked together, trying to ignore the cell phone that's just out of reach. But last week, Brendon changed Pete's ringtone to Fergalicious, and right now, it's killing the moment.

"Sorry," Pete mumbles as detaches himself from Mikey, slightly sluggishly. Mikey's made his head fuzzy and warm. When Pete moves his legs off, Mikey brings his knees up to his chest. That ends the cuddling time. Goddamn it.

"I have new members and an idea for the stand," Gabe says when Pete picks up the phone. He tries to think of a reply, but then Gabe says, "Oh, sorry, ah... is this a bad time?"

"Not at all." Pete says, because he feels guilty about Gabe and he doesn't know why. Mikey gives him a weird look. "But, uh, I'll drop by your house."

"Awesome," Gabe says. "See you in thirty minutes?"

He meant later, but Gabe lives next to Mikey. Pete could probably make it. And he wants to be a good friend, so-

"I can be there in ten, but you need to get me a ride home."

"Yes. See you."

When they hang up, Mikey has a blank look on his face. A slightly upset, blank look. Before Pete can ask, Mikey just says, "I think you should go."



You almost kissed me, Pete wants to say, but Mikey has a blank face and Pete needs to find Gabe. So he just lets it go.

Sort of.

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